Multisim ( 112 ) |
Bug ID | Description |
108322 | Cannot click finish in MCU wizard if the project type is load external hex file. |
109518 | Two layers can improperly end up with the same layer name in some cases. |
111245 | The pin mapping for the VGM96VC is incomplete. |
111336 | Undo and Redo menu items are not translated in the Symbol Editor / Title Block Editor. |
111614 | Convergence Assistant doesn't use LabVIEW or ELVIS instruments. |
112376 | Printing an instrument over a wireless network takes a long time in some cases. |
112563 | Word generator properties window resizes itself when changing display format. |
112599 | Rated LEDs have unrealistic parameters. |
113343 | The Temperature parameter in the resistor property pages does not validate out-of-range values correctly in some cases. |
113500 | Agilent function generator does not model 50 ohm output impedence correctly. |
113509 | Agilent oscilloscope vertical zoom can go up to 1nV/div. |
114056 | Goto location generated by confirming virtual connection is static. |
114477 | Footprint mapping for ADG413BRZ is incorrect. |
114874 | spreadsheet results tab go to arrows are out of sync with the circuit after a replace by HB operation. |
114972 | The shortcut key Ctrl-F does not open the find dialog window in the Description box editor. |
115056 | Analysis dialog should not allow selecting duplicate device/model parameters. |
115143 | Labview intrument Signal Analyzer is not saving Interpolation Method. |
115148 | Labview Microphone doesn't save or copy its Sample Rate setting. |
115833 | Schematic does not refresh correctly after closing the symbol/title block editor. |
115869 | Moving a group of components where no autowire is needed still causes autowiring. |
115936 | Multisim allows renaming components when the schematic is read only. |
115938 | Nets can be renamed if the read-only property is set on the schematic. |
115942 | Disabling Instruments toolbar in Circuit Restrictions prevents components from being placed from In-use list. |
115960 | MOSFET DEFAS instance parameter not saved. |
115985 | GRAPH_LCD* Display components are almost impossible to read given the color choices. |
116077 | Refdes with underscores truncated after cut and paste. |
116222 | PWL source does not generate error if external file does not exist. |
116241 | Deleting a model from the User database eventually causes error in "Edit Model" dialog. |
116247 | Integration method is being translated before passed to simulator. |
116277 | Lock Subsheets option disables Copy and Cut tasks. |
116336 | Forward annotating does not remove unused component after change to multisection component. |
116395 | Bus IO and offpage connectors do not stay connected to bus after rotating. |
116422 | Oscilloscope Trigger Type Buttons names are truncated. |
116486 | Connecting a component to pins in Ultiboard will not correctly backannotate when it is in a hierarchical block. |
116517 | The function generator instrument does not respect setting changes made during simulation when connected in certain configurations. |
116520 | Function generator LabVIEW instrument repeat button is broken. |
116539 | Instance footprint mapping does not update schematic. |
116559 | Physical constants return zero for analyses. |
116587 | Moving component in Database Manager changes component name. |
116625 | Disabling the NI ELVISmx Arbitrary Waveform Generator output signal while simulating will crash multisim. |
116631 | Connector name should be allowed to be the same as another component. |
116634 | dBm Measurement in the Spectrum Analyzer is incorrect. |
116637 | Naming an on-page connector with the same name a component had when placed can mess up the reference descriptor. |
116671 | Netlist report doesn't display the sections of multisection components. |
116675 | Changing net on hidden pin connection through spreadsheet causes prompt to rename all things on the net. |
116690 | Find information can yield incorrect behaviour after deleting and placing components. |
116693 | Cannot set hidden pin connections in spreadsheet. |
116695 | Hidden pins become out of sync using the gate optimizer. |
116696 | OPC connector names on multi-page not being updated. |
116712 | Importing a ms10 circuit containing multi-section component does not work correctly in some cases. |
116716 | Simulation settings not being imported correctly if set to disabled. |
116718 | Undoing with subcircuits does not work as expected. |
116724 | Connecting a net with an existing onpage to a hidden pin will create a floating on-page connector and will not actually connect to the hidden pin. |
116726 | Overwriting common hierarchical block on save when upgrading schematic crashes Multisim. |
116768 | Search Fails In the Component Browser When Used From the Component Wizard. |
116771 | Replace By Subcircuit Creates Unnecessary I/O Pins. |
116776 | 74LS11D IC has an error in symbol model mapping. |
116779 | RefDes drops leading zeroes. |
116801 | There is no prompt to save changes when exiting the Description box edit view. |
116805 | Multiple sections of a multi-section component can have inconsistent refdes.. |
116806 | Different sections of a single component can be mistaken for two components by BOM. |
116807 | Component properties are not synchronized properly when sections have different cases for refdes. |
116837 | RefDes change is not backannotated if component is not present in any of the component databases. |
116845 | Dragging selection disconnects bus wires. |
116846 | Colour of nets in a locked schematic can still be modified. |
116856 | The ~ symbol leading a net name causes the SPICE parser to fail. |
116867 | Undo of any action on main design messes up refdeses of components inside subcircuit. |
116873 | Hidden pin information gets wiped out after a refdes rename. |
116877 | The controlled one shot negative edge trigger is broken. |
116881 | Multisim crashes when deleting and editing a component in some cases. |
116901 | Refdeses inside a subcircuit will reset when a part is removed that has a refdes partially matching the subcircuit's refdes. |
116911 | Renaming multisection component RefDes to lower case can crash Multisim in some cases. |
116917 | Refdes R1A in subcircuit gets renamed to R1A1 after undo action in top level design. |
116920 | Connect pin to net difference getting lost after un-pair then re-pair of net in back annotation dialog. |
116928 | Flipping a voltmeter or ammeter horizontally crashes when only one pin is connected. |
116939 | Multisim crashes when you perform overlapping place actions via keyboard. |
116957 | Back Annotation crashes Multisim in some cases after Rename/Renumber Components has been used. |
116959 | Selection is kept after bus lines are deleted from the Bus Settings dialog. |
116995 | Unable to change the sheet size of NI Elvis II Design. |
117003 | Copy and paste of nested subcircuits inserts invalid refdes into refdes manager. |
117007 | Power Factor reading from the watt meter is incorrect in some cases. |
117016 | Possible application crash in some cases displaying the Database Manager. |
117036 | ERC check is flagging NC pins as warning for unconnected pins. |
117054 | Undoing a delete trace action in the grapher can crash Multisim. |
117065 | Changing a setting in the function generator instrument during simulation inverts the duty cycle percentage. |
117075 | RefDes Visibility setting is ignored for power source components. |
117083 | Edited model is not refreshed if component properties dialog is not closed. |
117086 | Warning message always been prompted even if AWG and Fgen instruments are not selected to be active. |
117091 | Search does not work if item is previously entered in component field. |
117093 | Hovering over an unselected design can incorrectly return focus on an instrument property dialog. |
117098 | PLD HBs break the net link when used within another PLD Schematic. |
117099 | Simulation crashes if you change the state of the D pins while the simulation is running. |
117111 | Possible application crash while simulating in some cases using certain instruments. |
117193 | Changing visibility settings for labels using design toolbox does not mark file as dirty.. |
117201 | AC plots from Monte-Carlo and Worst-Case mis-label the axies. |
117257 | Hiding RefDes using sheet properties in a SC/HB removes the hierarchical connection information. |
117272 | Nets through probes fail if the wires overlap in some cases. |
117273 | Printing a PLD design crashes Multisim in some cases. |
117274 | Component renumber does not respects page ordering. |
117336 | Multi-page schematics should print in the order which they appear in the Design Toolbox. |
117379 | Copy and paste of line loses grid snap. |
117392 | Creating a new PLD will allow creating a PLD with an invalid name if the name ends with \. |
117410 | Reordering the sheets doesn't change the sheet numbers in title blocks. |
117586 | ADA4841-1YRZ causes an internal simulation error. |
117610 | Clicking cancel on the Variant Manager can crash Multisim in some cases. |
117635 | The models for 74LS393N and 74LS393D are incorrect. |
117666 | Performing Worst case analysis can crash Multisim in some cases. |
117880 | ENERGIZING_COIL Is Not Energizing the NC_CONTACT and NO_CONTACT. |
117534 | Title Block Title Field Resets to File Name After Undo. |
117838 | Changing the net color using the Net properties dialog temporarily shows a blank color box. |
117901 | X is not placed on common pin of multisection component that is connected to a net after running a gate optimize operation. |
117790 | Digital_Frequency_Divider causes netlist error. |
Ultiboard ( 53 ) |
115709 | Importing an Orcad max file will make the component refdes a part of the footprint's name. |
116445 | Gate optimizer does not work for components with custom section names. |
112465 | Trace width are different in Ultiboard Nets Spreadsheet and Net Edit dialog. |
112691 | Copying and pasting a pad into the 'Custom Pad shape edit mode' does not allow you to save the shape. |
114327 | Deleting Open Trace Ends Causes Ultiboard to Hang in some cases. |
114366 | Ultiboard does not refresh preview box if selection is made in the spreadsheet view using keyboard. |
114375 | Gerber doesn't export the pad copper ring correctly. |
114545 | Clicking on Lock button toggles locked status in multiple selection situation. |
114582 | Locked button status does not reflect selection for Parts tab. |
114608 | Duplicate D-codes permitted when entering values through keyboard. |
114618 | Circles with a wide thickness are expanded in the Gerber file. |
114875 | Removing a net from a net group will revert Max via count to 2147483647. |
115058 | It is possible to enter invalid clearances in the group editor. |
115060 | Group editor component spacing values are not validated. |
115100 | Aperture mapping list should be sortable. |
115174 | Dialog should check for valid values when assinging D-Codes. |
115275 | Pin layer properties are not preserved when component changes board side. |
115321 | SVG doesn't export the pad copper ring correctly - layer settings are ignored. |
115370 | Part spacing DRC error indicator can be misleading sometimes. |
115476 | Ultiboard allows for duplicate category names in its database tree. |
115670 | Closing an unsaved design will close immediately and then prompt to save. |
115671 | Bus group drc message is cryptic. |
115674 | DRC errors appear inconsistently for overlapping parts. |
115687 | Pin and gate swapping should not use use group settings if the part is not in a group. |
115691 | Right clicking on checkbox for visibility shows context menu for wrong layer. |
115719 | Ruler bars disappear after exiting from full screen mode. |
115737 | Dialog box title keeps counting up after placing board outline with multiple connectors. |
115948 | Ultiboard crashes when opening the 3D View in some cases. |
116373 | Imported OrCAD File does not have Silkscreen Information. |
116374 | When connecting traces to vias the Assume Net field is empty in some cases. |
116532 | Changes made to text objects after Apply button is used doesn't get made. |
116549 | Changing RefDes for multi-section components in MS after a gate swap in UB does not properly update net connections. |
116667 | Crash exporting to NC drill while doing in-place part edit. |
116750 | Crash showing properties of a via placed in a CAD design. |
116824 | Ultiboard does not respond when moving a component attached to overlapping vias. |
116857 | Selection filters not correctly saved in Ultiboard. |
116874 | Thermal relief settings for copper areas are inverted. |
116896 | False positive when you separate out net and footprint change. |
116910 | Placing a hole causes the DXF export to generate a large file. |
116929 | Reference point on land patterns changes when being edited. |
116933 | TRIKO301812 has silkscreen overlapping pad. |
116944 | Editing a custom pad while placing a part crashes Ultiboard. |
116966 | Ultiboard can become unresponsive while trying to open certain designs. |
117002 | Parts without silkscreen are impervious to part shoving. |
117033 | Ultiboard crashes when closing an open design in some cases. |
117067 | Silkscreen text not selectable if copper top is grayed out. |
117100 | Voiding is not being performed between copper area connected to net and copper area not connected to net. |
117173 | Enter Coordinate dialog crashes when it looses focus and user clicks OK. |
117453 | Invoking board wizard after placing a test point crashes Ultiboard. |
117467 | Multisim and Ultiboard does not asks to Save work before closing when shutting down the computer. |
117479 | Wrong part is set for delete when forward annotating in some cases. |
117560 | Forward annotating an UltiCap file can crash Ultiboard in some cases. |
117719 | Back annotation wiring fails after manual pairing two resistors. |