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[TestStand] NI TestStand 4.0.1F1 and Patch 美国国家仪器测试序列管理软件TS4.0.1F1及补丁

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    NI TestStand 4.0.1F1 and Patch 美国国家仪器测试序列管理软件TS4.0.1F1及补丁


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    TS4.0.1F1.txt (1.01 KB, 下载次数: 1, 售价: 10 元)

    NI TestStand™ 4.0.1f1 Readme
    January 2008
    This readme document contains information about known issues and bugs fixed in NI TestStand 4.0.1. This maintenance release updates the ATML TestResult reports to version 2.0.1 and includes the TestStand XML sequence file schema, which you can use to validate TestStand XML sequence files. Refer to the What's New in TestStand topic in the NI TestStand Help for information about other changes since TestStand 3.5.
    Refer to the NI TestStand 4.0 Quick Start Guide for information about system requirements, descriptions of the TestStand licenses, and suggestions for learning to use TestStand. Refer to the What's New in TestStand topic in the NI TestStand Help for information about other changes since TestStand 3.5.
    If you do not activate a TestStand license, TestStand operates in evaluation mode.
    Upgrading TestStand 4.0 to TestStand 4.0.1
    You do not need to uninstall TestStand 4.0 before you install TestStand 4.0.1. Because TestStand 4.0.1 installs over TestStand 4.0, you cannot have both versions installed simultaneously on the same computer. If you try to install TestStand 4.0 on a computer where you installed TestStand 4.0.1, the installer feature tree and summary page indicate a higher version of TestStand already exists on the computer.
    If you install TestStand 4.0.1 in a location different from the existing TestStand 4.0 location, the TestStand 4.0.1 installer removes the installed TestStand 4.0 files. Only files in the User directory and configuration files remain in the TestStand 4.0 location.
    TestStand 4.0.1 uses the existing TestStand 4.0 serial number and license files. You do not need to activate TestStand 4.0.1 if you previously activated TestStand 4.0. TestStand 4.0.1 also uses the existing TestStand 4.0 NI Volume License Manager network license file, which makes the upgrade process transparent.
    Installing TestStand 4.0.1 Deployment Software
    Before you install TestStand 4.0.1 deployment software on a computer that has the TestStand 4.0 Development System installed, upgrade the target computer to the TestStand 4.0.1 Development System. Installing TestStand deployment software without first installing the TestStand 4.0.1 Development System upgrades the existing TestStand 4.0 installation on the target computer and can remove components, such as the sequence editor and example user interfaces, that the deployment software does not include.
    If a computer has TestStand 4.0 deployment software installed, you must ensure that any TestStand 4.0.1 deployment software you install includes the same TestStand 4.0 deployment components. If the TestStand 4.0.1 deployment software does not install the same TestStand 4.0 deployment components, the previously installed TestStand 4.0 deployment software might not work properly.

    Known Issues
    TestStand 4.0.1 to TestStand 4.0.1f1 Bug Fixes
    TestStand 4.0 to TestStand 4.0.1 Bug Fixes
    TestStand 3.5 to TestStand 4.0 Bug Fixes
    Additional Information
    Known Issues
    Sequence Editor
    TestStand User Interface (UI) Controls
    Microsoft Visual Studio
    Deployment Utility
    Corrections to Documentation
    • You cannot install TestStand using a network path or a mapped network path. You must install TestStand on a local computer.
    • If TestStand fails to uninstall, reinstall TestStand and then uninstall it.
    • When you uninstall TestStand 2.0 on a computer where you also installed TestStand 4.0, the TestStand 2.0 uninstaller might incorrectly remove the National Instruments Session Manager 4.0 files. Run the repair utility on NI Session Manager by using the National Instruments Software maintenance utility located in Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel to restore these files.
    • Do not install the IVI components from the TestStand 2.0 CD after you install the IVI Compliance Package (ICP) from the NI Device Driver CD included with TestStand 4.0.

      If you installed ICP 2.2 or later from the NI Device Driver CD before you installed TestStand 2.0, do not install the IVI components from the TestStand 2.0 CD. Disable the Basic IVI Class Drivers feature within the IVI Engine and Drivers feature during the installation of TestStand 2.0.

      If you installed the TestStand 2.0 IVI components after you installed ICP 2.2 or later from the NI Device Driver CD, run the repair utility on the ICP product by using the National Instruments Software maintenance utility located in Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel to correct this incompatibility.
    • If you attempt to install TestStand 2.0.1 on a system where you also installed the LabWindows™/CVI™ 8.1 Run-Time Engine (RTE), which TestStand 4.0 installs, the TestStand 2.0.1 installer returns an error while installing the engine. After the installation, TestStand 2.0.1 does not work properly, and if installed, TestStand 4.0 no longer works properly even if you repair the TestStand 4.0 installation. To restore the TestStand 4.0 installation after failing to install TestStand 2.0.1, you must perform a repair operation on the LabWindows/CVI RTE by using the National Instruments Software maintenance utility located in Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel and then use the TestStand Version Selector application to reselect TestStand 4.0 as the active version.

      Complete the following steps if you want to install TestStand 2.0.1 on a system where you also installed the LabWindows/CVI 8.1 RTE.

      • Use Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel to uninstall the LabWindows/CVI 8.1 RTE. You must uninstall any software that is dependent on the run-time engine before you attempt to uninstall the LabWindows/CVI 8.1 RTE.
      • Confirm that the following files and subdirectory were removed from the Windows\System32 directory: cvirt.dll, cvirte.dll, cvi95vxd.vxd, and \cvirte. If the files still exist, manually remove them. If you cannot delete the \cvirte subdirectory, delete the .dll files first, restart the system, and then try to delete the subdirectory.
      • Install TestStand 2.0.1.
      • You can now reinstall the LabWindows/CVI 8.1 RTE.

    Sequence Editor
    • By default, the TestStand Sequence Editor caches execution windows to work around an issue where the operating system occasionally leaks objects when you close windows. As a result of this caching, the sequence editor process holds on to Windows USER objects and GDI objects. The Windows Task Manager reports that the sequence editor does not release USER and GDI objects when you close execution windows, which is expected behavior because the sequence editor re-uses the USER and GDI objects in subsequent executions. By default, TestStand caches all execution windows until the number of available USER objects or GDI objects in the TestStand process is less than 1,000.

      Typically, you do not need to change this limit, but you can specify the maximum number of windows in the cache by creating a DWORD registry value named SeqeditExeDocCacheSize under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\National Instruments\TestStand\4.0 key. The recommended value is the number of execution windows you typically have open concurrently when running executions in the sequence editor. For example, if you typically run a batch process with 8 test sockets, specify a value of 9, which includes 8 executions that correspond to the test sockets and one controlling execution. You might leak USER objects and GDI objects when the number of concurrent execution windows you create is greater than the number you specify in the registry. The registry entry is an unsigned integer. A value of 0 disables the cache.

      When the sequence editor attempts to open a new document and finds that there are fewer than 500 USER objects or GDI objects available, it clears the cache and displays a warning message.
    • The TestStand Sequence Editor occasionally reports property object leaks when you use the Close item from the taskbar context menu to close the application and you enabled the Report Object Leaks option in the Debug Options dialog box that you access from the Station Options dialog box.
    • The TestStand Sequence Editor can hang when you select Show Differences on a file in the Workspace pane and the difference and merge utilities specified by your source code control provider are not installed.
    • The Variables View pane incorrectly highlights an expression property in red when you select multiple steps and the expression contains references to variables in locals, parameters, or file globals.
    • Sorting messages by clicking the Time Stamp column in the Output Messages pane does not chronologically order messages posted within the same minute.
    • The TestStand Sequence Editor incorrectly prompts you to unlock a file before displaying the Sequence Properties or Sequence File Properties dialog boxes.
    • Changing the step selection in the Steps pane of the sequence editor is slow when you select an element of a large array in the Variables pane.
    • The LabVIEW Module tab incorrectly displays the Create Custom Data Type dialog box multiple times when you select multiple steps and you click the Create Custom Data Type button. Instead, select only one step before clicking the button.
    • Using Watch pane expressions that modify the structure of objects, such as delete subproperties or change size of an array, can prevent the Variables pane from refreshing properly, or can cause the Variables pane to generate an error.
    • The Step Type Menu Editor dialog box unnecessarily modifies NI step types when you rename the group that contains an NI step type or move an NI step type to a different group.
    • The .NET Adapter Module tab generates an error when you select multiple steps and try to specify the assembly for all the steps you selected.
    • The /goto command-line argument does not work when a sequence name you specify in quotation marks contains a space character.
    • The Watch View pane generates an error when you specify "Step" as the expression. You must restart the sequence editor to clear the error from the Watch View pane.
    • When you remove a secondary monitor from the computer and then launch the Customize Toolbar dialog box, the sequence editor appears to hang if the dialog box launches out of the bounds of the primary monitor. Press to close the dialog box that launches off the screen of the primary monitor or reattach the secondary monitor, move the dialog box to the primary monitor, and then detach the secondary monitor.
    • You no longer can use the mouse to draw a rectangle around multiple steps to select.
    • The Window»Cascade and Window»Tile commands do not work when you configure the sequence editor to display documents as separate windows and you maximize the documents.
    TestStand User Interface (UI) Controls
    • If you click TestStand User Interface (UI) Controls hosted in a .NET user control in the designer of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, Visual Studio might crash. Microsoft has a hotfix for this Visual Studio 2005 limitation. Refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base Article ID 916495, located at http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=916495, for more information.
    • The Variables View control can leak a USER object when you use the keyboard to change the value of a Boolean value.
    • The Sequence View and ListBar controls can leak memory when you quickly display and dismiss the context menu multiple times.
    • If you place a ReportView control on a LabWindows/CVI panel that does not have a titlebar, the control hangs when you click it after running a sequence.
    • You cannot use the keyboard to navigate to the adapter buttons within the Insertion Palette control for non-.NET applications.
    • The CheckBox.Forecolor and CheckBox.BackColor properties do not change the appearance of a control when you set the CheckBox.Style property to CheckBoxStyle_Button.
    • You cannot center text or images on a Button control.
    • The VariablesView control incorrectly converts between \r\n and \n when editing multiline string values.
    • The Button.MousePointer property has no effect.
    • An image on a Button control appears black when you use the Button.MaskColor and Button.UseMaskColor properties.
    • TestStand supports Sequence File Translators built only with LabVIEW 8.2 and later.
    • If you uninstall LabVIEW 8.0 from a computer where you also installed LabVIEW 7.1.1, TestStand might return an error when executing a VI that uses a waveform data type. The error states that TestStand fails to find a waveform interface. Run the repair utility on LabVIEW 7.1.1 by using the National Instruments Software maintenance utility located in Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel to correct this issue.
    • TestStand does not support calling VIs on remote computers if you save a VI without the block diagram and the version of the VI is different than the active version of LabVIEW 8.0 installed on the computer.
    • LabVIEW User Interface executables that do not use the TestStand ActiveX UI Controls might hang when launched. The hang occurs when TestStand loads the LabWindows/CVI Run-Time Engine and both LabVIEW and the run-time engine access computer resources at the same time. You can prevent the hang by using a Call Library Function VI to invoke a function in the run-time engine to force LabVIEW to synchronously load the run-time engine into memory before creating the TestStand engine.
    • A LabVIEW Run-Time Engine cannot load a top-level VI when the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine finds a subVI with the same name and the subVI was saved with a different version of LabVIEW. This behavior can occur when you try to run a VI that you save in the \API and \Examples directories and the directories contain VIs with the same names as the subVIs that the VI uses and the VIs were saved with a different version of LabVIEW. To avoid this behavior, save VIs in a working directory instead of using the NI directories under TestStand.

      Normally, the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine can execute top-level VIs only when you save the VI with the entire VI hierarchy or if the subVIs can be located using the LabVIEW search directories. By default, the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine does not search for required subVIs from the LabVIEW development system, such as files in vi.lib. However, when TestStand loads a LabVIEW Run-Time Engine on a computer where you also installed the LabVIEW development system, TestStand automatically adds directories from the development system to the search paths for the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine. Thus, when TestStand executes a top-level VI saved without its hierarchy, the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine attempts to find subVIs by first searching the directory of the top-level VI and then searching the directories TestStand added. If a subVI saved by a different version of LabVIEW is found first, the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine cannot load the subVI and fails to load the top-level VI.
    • TestStand cannot call a LabVIEW 8.2 or earlier Express VI that has a RealMatrix control wired to its connector pane.
    • LabVIEW does not call PreTranslateAccelerator for ActiveX controls, which prevents TestStand UI Controls in LabVIEW User Interfaces from processing some key strokes, such as using to autocomplete expressions or navigate within controls, using to perform an operation, or using to select multiple items.
    • A TestStand 3.5 operator interface built with LabVIEW 7.0 can fail to launch or can return a misleading error message if the LabVIEW 7.0 Run-Time Engine is not installed. TestStand 4.0 does not install the LabVIEW 7.0 Run-Time Engine.
    • The Help»Help Topic menu item is disabled in the LabVIEW User Interface after using the command the first time. Use the Ctrl-F1 shortcut key instead.
    • LabVIEW applications, such as a TestStand LabVIEW User Interface, can hang when calling a function in a LabVIEW-built DLL from the UI thread. For example, a TestStand LabVIEW User Interface can hang when creating the TestStand Engine and the engine loads a Sequence File Translator DLL built with LabVIEW. Work around this issue by creating the TestStand Engine in a non-UI thread, such as Other 2.
    • The Debug Warnings dialog box is not modal and launches behind the LabVIEW Simple UI front panel when you exit the application and the process did not properly release TestStand objects.
    • A Message Popup step that displays an image returns an error when you execute the step in a user interface running in the LabVIEW Development System. The error does not occur when you run the user interface as a LabVIEW built executable.
    • The TestStand LabVIEW examples incorrectly state that you can run the example in the LabVIEW 7.1.1 Run-Time Engine or the LabVIEW Development System. You can run only the Examples\Demo\LabVIEW\Auto and Examples\Demo\LabVIEW\Computer Motherboard examples in the LabVIEW 7.1.1 Run-Time Engine. To run all other LabVIEW examples using the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine, you must install the LabVIEW Development System and resave the example VIs.
    • LabVIEW limits TestStand to calling no more than 128 VIs at the same time.
    • TestStand returns errors when the LabVIEW Adapter accesses the Y data component of a LabVIEW complex waveform.
    • If you enable the Is Binary String option on the LabVIEW Cluster Passing tab of the Type Properties dialog box, you cannot open TestStand 4.0.1 XML and binary sequence files in TestStand 4.0. Use the INI file format to work around this issue.
    • If you place a ReportView control on a LabWindows/CVI panel that does not include a titlebar, the control hangs when you click the panel after you run a sequence.
    • The LabWindows/CVI Development System crashes when you attempt to load the TestStand 4.0 full-featured user interface project when TestStand 3.5 is the registered, active version of TestStand.
    Microsoft Visual Studio
    • Visual Studio 2005 for C# might crash on exit when an inactive tab page on an open form in the designer includes certain ActiveX controls, such as when you exit Visual Studio with the main form open in the designer for the example in \UserInterfaces\NI\Full-Featured\CSharp. The crash is harmless, and you can avoid it by closing the form in the designer before you exit Visual Studio.
    • TestStand might cause Visual Studio to generate an access violation when you use TestStand to generate C++ code and then exit Visual Studio before you exit TestStand.
    • Visual Studio 2005 might crash when you rebuild a solution that uses the TestStand UI Controls and you try to view a Microsoft Windows Form in Design view. When you do this, Design view might not show the Windows Form, and you might receive error messages. Refer to Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 912019, located at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/912019/en-us?spid=3041, for more information about this issue.
    • Visual Studio 2005 generates the error message "Parameter is not valid" when you attempt to select an icon file as the image for a TestStand UI Button control at design time. This error occurs if the icon file contains only a 16-bit color image. Work around this limitation by setting the icon image programmatically at run-time or by loading an icon file that contains a 256-color image.
    • MFC-based applications, such as TestStand User Interfaces, can leak GDI objects on computers running Windows XP SP2 when the applications create and destroy child windows. Refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 319740, located at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/319740, for information about how to resolve this known Microsoft bug.
    • MFC-based TestStand User Interfaces can crash when you use the Workspace Browser dialog box with the Microsoft Team Foundation Server SCC provider. Work around this issue by programmatically installing a different message filter. Contact NI Support through the National Instruments Web site at http://www.ni.com/support/teststandsupp for more information about this issue.
    • The .NET full-featured user interface exits without prompting you to save sequence files when you shut down the Windows operating system.
    • The .NET Adapter might incorrectly perform a Step Over operation when you attempt to step into calls to overloaded functions.
    • The .NET Adapter cannot step into properties. You must manually place a breakpoint in the source code before you execute a step that accesses the property.
    Deployment Utility
    • The LabVIEW development system can crash when the Deployment Utility attempts to deploy VIs that call into LabVIEW DLLs. The LabVIEW error message contains the text "Fatal Internal Error: "menuPrivate.cpp". To prevent this problem, you must prevent the LabVIEW development system from unloading the DLLs from memory by creating a new project in LabVIEW, adding the VIs to the project, and opening the VIs from the project.
    • Building a deployment fails when you include any VI that uses NI_AALPro.lvlib in its hierarchy and you previously installed LabVIEW 8.2.1 on top of LabVIEW 8.2. The Deployment Utility fails to load broken VIs that the library might use. To fix these broken VI files, run the repair utility on LabVIEW 8.2.1 by using the National Instruments Software maintenance utility located in Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel. You can also uninstall and reinstall LabVIEW 8.2.1.
    • The TestStand Deployment Utility returns "Error: The following file(s) could not be copied" when you try to deploy an LLB that includes files with a period (".") in the filename or files that do not include a file extension.
    • Applications that create and destroy the Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) control might leak GDI memory, making the application and the computer unstable. The memory leak occurs when you run the application on Windows XP Service Pack 2 and you installed the Handwriting feature (version 1.0.1038 of the Skchui.dll file) for a Microsoft Office product on the computer. For TestStand, the sequence editor creates new instances of the IE control for each new execution document, and each ReportView User Interface control creates a new instance of the IE control. To prevent this GDI memory leak, uninstall the Handwriting feature for any Microsoft Office product and for any other product that uses this shared feature. Refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 896429, located at http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;896429, for more information about this issue.
    • The Microsoft IE control that TestStand applications use to display XML reports can leak handles or crash if the control cannot find the style sheet you specify in the Report Options dialog box and the control displays XML report files using the default XML style sheet.
    • The Allow All Users Access from Remote Machines checkbox in the Station Options dialog box does not work on some non-English Windows XP SP2 operating systems, such as German Windows XP. The checkbox adds the built-in account name "ANONYMOUS LOGON" to the DCOM access permissions, but the account name "ANONYMOUS LOGON" is incorrect for some non-English operating systems. If you use a non-English Windows XP SP2 or later, refer to the Setting up TestStand as a Server for Remote Sequence Execution section of Chapter 5, Adapters, of the NI TestStand Reference Manual for information about configuring Windows system security to allow users to access and launch the TestStand server remotely.
    • XML reports might show a table of measurement data instead of a graph in the following situations:
      • The TSGraphControl.ocx ActiveX control located in the \Components\NI\Tools\GraphControl directory is not installed or registered on your computer.
      • Internet Explorer security settings can prevent Web pages from using scripting to create and use an ActiveX control. When you view Web pages located on your computer, Internet Explorer uses the My Computer zone setting on the Security tab of the Internet Options dialog box. By default for Windows XP SP2, the security level for the My Computer zone is set to High, which prevents scripting from running locally. By default, the settings for the My Computer zone are not visible in the Internet Options dialog box of Internet Explorer. Refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 315933, located at http://support.microsoft.com/?id=315933, for information about altering the Windows registry to make the My Computer zone visible in the Internet Options dialog box of Internet Explorer. When you have access to the My Computer zone settings in the Internet Options dialog box, enable scripting for the zone or change the My Computer security zone level to Medium.
    • Under certain circumstances, in-process (DLL) ActiveX automation servers created with Microsoft Visual Basic that are used from a multithreaded client application, such as TestStand, might fail with an access violation. This type of server failure might cause TestStand to hang or crash when freeing resources in the DLL. Out-of-process (EXE) servers do not have this problem.

      Refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 186273, located at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/186273 (previously published as Article Q186273), for information about how to resolve this known Microsoft bug. If you are using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, you must also enable the Unattended Execution and Retain In Memory project properties.

      This workaround forces the DLL to remain in memory after an execution finishes, which requires you to close the sequence editor before you can recreate the DLL. While you are developing, you can disable this code by commenting out the body of Sub Main() (mentioned in Article 186273) so you can recreate your server without exiting TestStand. When your server is ready for release, enable the code to prevent a run-time crash.
    • ActiveX EXE servers that display a dialog box and call any TestStand API function that launches a second dialog box while the first dialog box is still active must create the first dialog box in a thread initialized as single-threaded apartment for the TestStand dialog box to function correctly. Otherwise, TestStand might hang.
    • When executing sequences using a custom process model, TestStand might return an error when the custom process model appends data to an existing XML report but fails to correctly fix the root tags. Before the custom process model calls Report.Save, add a sequence call to "Remove Root Tags From XML Report" in ReportGen_XML.seq. After the custom process model Report.Save, add a sequence call to "Add Root Tags To XML Report" in ReportGen_XML.seq.
    • The execution arrow can appear in the wrong location after interactively executing steps if you previously suspended an execution on a step because of a watch breakpoint, post action breakpoint, or run-time error breakpoint. In addition, a run-time error can occur if you also set the next step to another step in a different step group and the step index of the step you originally suspended at exceeds the number of steps in the new step group. When this error occurs, you must restart TestStand.
    • The TestStand File dialog boxes can leak a USER object when used.
    • TestStand can crash after unloading a DLL built by an evaluation copy of LabWindows/CVI. The DLL does not properly remove a timer callback that executes after the DLL is unloaded.
    • TestStand 4.0 supports XML files, which are larger in size than INI files. TestStand might fail to save an XML file if the file is very large and the computer does not have enough memory. Work around this issue by changing the file format to Binary or INI before you attempt to save the file.
    • McAfee ePolicy can cause TestStand to leak memory when you display XML reports in the sequence editor or a user interface that uses the ReportView control and your computer contains scriptproxy.dll, version, located in the C:\Program Files\Network Associates\VirusScan directory. Install a later version of this DLL, such as version, to fix this issue.
    • Database logging and on-the-fly report generation slowly leak memory when executions use a Sequence Call step to create new threads.
    • On-the-fly report generation incorrectly indents step results that follow a Sequence Call step that creates a new thread.
    • TestStand reports property object leaks if you call a remote sequence and a run-time error occurred because you passed extra parameters to the sequence. To see this problem, you must enable the Report Object Leaks options in the Debug Options dialog box that you access from the Station Options dialog box.
    • TestStand does not call the SequenceFilePreInteractive and SequenceFilePostInteractive callbacks when running a step interactively using a process model. This problem also occurred in previous versions of TestStand.
    • TestStand watch expressions do not suspend the execution if the expression returns a reference object and the previous value of the object returned Nothing. Instead, use an expression that returns a Boolean value, such as "Locals.Reference != Nothing".
    • TestStand prompts you to reload files when source code control providers, such as MKS Source Integrity, Serena PVCS, and IBM Rational ClearCase, change the timestamp of files when you add the files to source control or check the files in or out of source control. TestStand might return errors for some operations when you reload the files.
    • When you check out a project file, TestStand incorrectly attempts to check out files under the project file in the workspace that are not under source code control. TestStand returns an error if you do not exclude these files from the check out operation.
    • When you import a waveform while configuring a Configure operation of an IVI FGen step, the dialog box can fail to store the waveform data with the step. Work around this issue by immediately closing the dialog box after importing the data. In addition, if you browse to a file to configure the step to load the waveform from a file, the filename is not stored with the step. You must edit the filename in the path control to ensure that step saves the changes to the filename setting.
    • A configure operation for an IVI FGen step can return an error if the step specifies a waveform that is stored in the step. Work around this issue by configuring the step to load the waveform from a file.
    • The Differ window in the sequence editor and the differ application do not display differences between strings with different preceding and/or trailing quotation mark characters.
    • The .NET Adapter generates a run-time error when a step passes an empty array as a parameter. You must pass a non-empty array.
    • TestStand suspends an execution in a process model callback instead of suspending in the model entry point sequence when you step out of a client sequence file.
    • On-The-Fly report generation incorrectly displays an empty sequence call when you enable the Conserve Memory and Only Display Latest Results option on the Contents tab of the Report Options dialog box and the sequence call does not return any step results.
    • TestStand incorrectly rebuilds a deeply nested property or variable in a .INI file when the section name used to persist the property or variable is more than 255 characters. Work around this issue by saving the sequence file in the binary or XML file format.
    • When you save a sequence file as a TestStand 2.0.1 sequence file, TestStand incorrectly resets array dimension sizes to 1024 for array parameters that C/C++ Adapter steps pass to functions in DLLs.
    • When you attempt to edit an IVI step, the Edit IVI Step dialog box might not launch, and the sequence editor hangs. When this occurs, you must terminate and restart the application.
    • The expression controls in the String Value Test and Numeric Limit Test steps incorrectly unescape characters in simple literal string expressions. Work around this issue by entering an expression that cannot be converted to a literal string value, such as "Expected Line1\n" + "Expected Line2".
    • A TestStand application returns an error on launch when the StationGlobals.ini file is corrupt. Work around this issue by deleting the StationGlobals.ini file and restarting TestStand to create a new StationGlobals.ini file.
    • The Workspace Browser dialog box can generate an error when you collapse and expand projects in the dialog box immediately after you create new folders.
    • The TestStand Version Selector application returns an error when you click the Help button after you change the active version. You must restart the TestStand Version Selector application to make the Help button work properly.
    • TestStand returns an error when you open a TestStand 3.5 or earlier sequence file and the file contains a type definition with a User property type.
    • The Sequence File Converter application does not list sequence files with uppercase file extensions, for example, .SEQ.
    • The Sequence File Converter application generates an error when you specify a path without a drive letter, such as \Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 4.0\, and you select a context menu item for a file in the tree view.
    • The Sequence File Converter application generates an error when you specify a path with a subdirectory for which you do not have access to browse.
    Corrections to Documentation
    • The NI TestStand 4.0 Quick Start Guide, the NI TestStand Release Notes, and the NI TestStand Reference Manual incorrectly state that TestStand integrates with Visual Studio .NET 2003 if you install Measurement Studio 7.1 (or later) Enterprise Edition. TestStand can call DLLs and .NET assemblies that you create with Visual Studio .NET 2003. However, you must use Visual Studio 2005 to create and edit code directly from TestStand and to initiate debugging directly from TestStand. The incorrect statements are located on the following document pages:
      • NI TestStand 4.0 Quick Start Guide - Page 2
      • NI TestStand Release Notes - Page 2
      • NI TestStand Reference Manual - Page 5-3

    TestStand 4.0.1 to TestStand 4.0.1f1 Bug Fixes
    The following items are changes from TestStand 4.0.1 to TestStand 4.0.1f1, unless otherwise specified.
    Bug IDFixed Issue
    4HNC2E00Fixed an issue where the VariablesView and InsertionPalette controls error if used in user interface applications when Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 SP1 or version 3.5 is installed on the system.
    TestStand 4.0 to TestStand 4.0.1 Bug Fixes
    The following items are changes from TestStand 4.0 to TestStand 4.0.1, unless otherwise specified.
    Sequence Editor
    UI Controls
    Bug IDFixed Issue
    Sequence Editor
    4ARE473SFixed an issue where TestStand execution speed slowed drastically as you added expressions to the Watch View pane. You can also hide the Watch View pane to improve the TestStand execution speed.
    49HCFAI0Fixed an issue where the Types window generated an error when the file you selected contained a type with an empty name.
    4D47OHAGFixed an issue where the sequence editor crashed when displaying an expression that called the InsertElements function.
    4A4F6HZLFixed an issue where the .NET Module tab generated an error when you selected a property that required parameters.
    4D6GKPRAFixed an issue where the .NET Module tab failed to release a reference to an assembly, which prevented you from rebuilding the assembly.
    4DJAKLUVFixed an issue where the sequence editor hung when you resized a panel horizontally to hide or fully expand the panel.
    4DQAUJRAFixed an issue where the sequence editor hung when you pressed "*" to expand RunState in the Variables and Watch View panes.
    4DRFH0UZFixed an issue where the Variables pane crashed when RunState.InitialSelection.SelectedPropertyObjects contained a reference to a SequenceContext object.
    UI Controls
    49F9SHZLFixed an issue where the text in a Button UI control stopped at the edge of the button instead of wrapping to a new line.
    4D5H5200Fixed an issue where the Listbox UI control generated an error when you moved the mouse over the area to the right of the last column.
    4BQGQ8B8Fixed an issue where the VariablesView control incorrectly cleared the SelectedPropertyObjects collection.
    4ADBQ500Fixed an issue where the LabVIEW Module tab generated an error when you used a relative path to browse to and select an Express VI.
    48MD0500Fixed an issue where TestStand could not configure some Express VIs using LabVIEW 8.5.
    4D4A2500Fixed an issue where the LabVIEW Module tab displayed a blurry VI context help description.
    492BJ800Fixed an issue where the LabVIEW Adapter truncated error messages that contained "ProxyCaller" in the error text.
    47FERQ77LabVIEW 8.5 fixed an issue where top-level menus were disabled after you clicked other top-level menus.
    3TN8DD00LabVIEW 8.5 fixed an issue where TestStand hung when calling a remote VI that called a LabVIEW-built DLL.
    4D98S9UZFixed an issue where a module call to a VI returned an error when executed in a LabVIEW user interface using the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine and the called VI and the user interface used different versions of the same subVI.
    4BMAB7ZLFixed an issue where TestStand XML and binary files did not save the Is Binary String setting from the LabVIEW Cluster Passing tab of the Type Properties dialog box.
    493BENB8Fixed an issue where the LabWindows/CVI Adapter prematurely unloaded a module DLL when the adapter could not find a function in the module.
    4DGA12IAFixed an issue where a LabWindows/CVI user interface displayed an invalid handle error every time you switched between the Executions and Sequence Files panels of the List Bar control and you previously cancelled a shutdown operation.
    48GG5NB8Fixed an issue where TestStand 3.1 and later did not set the status of a Sequence Call step to "Terminated" when a termination occurred while executing the steps in the called sequence.
    4D6DSOJOFixed an issue where the .NET Adapter generated an error when a step tried to store a .NET reference as an element of an array of reference objects.
    48JBKBG0Fixed an issue where TestStand failed to disconnect switching routes with sequence lifetimes after a Property Loader step imported values to the sequence and you disabled the Import to Run-time Sequence Only option on the Properties tab of the Edit Property Loader dialog box.
    4AEE6UIFFixed an issue where TestStand incorrectly handled /r and /n characters in string properties when saving and opening files.
    45PDPEJ6Fixed an issue where the Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 runtime corrupted memory when TestStand reloaded a Visual Basic ActiveX component. This typically occurred when TestStand tried to display an array result in a graph in an HTML or XML report and the execution ran steps using the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine.
    496F4URAFixed an issue where the ActiveX Adapter did not pass the default value for a parameter when you configured the step with the TestStand 4.0 Sequence Editor.
    4D3BO6B8Fixed an issue where the default value of the Engine.OutputMessagesEnabled property was True instead of False, which allowed TestStand to collect output messages for user interfaces that did not process the messages.
    4D59ABB8Fixed an issue where the Auto Schedule step did not exit its block when you set the Use Auto Scheduled Resource step run mode to Skip.
    4CTL1300Fixed an issue where the remote server a Call Executable step uses crashed when trying to log calls.
    4CMGR3IFFixed an issue where the sequence file XML schema did not include a LabVIEW cluster passing attribute.
    4BUA5700Fixed an issue where TestStand did not display an ATML report because it incorrectly generated the ATML report when the results contained a container array.
    4BUA5000Fixed an issue where the ATML report did not correctly display limit data and error text.
    4D3DL1RAFixed an issue where editing the numeric format of a type property did not mark all files that use the type as modified.
    4CTFKU00Fixed an issue where the horizontal stylesheet for XML reports did not show step results beneath a sequence call with a terminated status.
    4C1ASN77Fixed an issue where TestStand disabled the buttons on the Additional Columns tab of the Import/Export Properties dialog box when you clicked the first element in the Values list.
    4AIFO1G0Fixed an issue where Property Loader steps returned an error when trying to import property values from database fields that contained NULL values. TestStand 4.0.1 ignores property values from database fields that contain NULL values.
    4CJERAYLFixed an issue where the text was missing on the Reset All Data Sources to Default button on the Data Source tab of the Edit Multiple Numeric Limit Test dialog box for a LabWindows/CVI user interface.
    47CAD977LabWindows/CVI 8.1.1 fixed an issue where a DLL built with LabWindows/CVI 8.1 or earlier using the ActiveX Automation Library leaked a handle when TestStand unloaded the DLL. For example, the leak occurred each time you selected Tools»Sequence File Documentation, which runs a sequence that called into a LabWindows/CVI DLL. You must recompile the DLL to prevent the DLL from leaking the handle.
    4DBF9LZLFixed an issue where instance properties of step types and data types became shared properties and you could no longer edit the values of the properties. This issue occurred when the type property for the instance enabled the PropFlags_Shared instance default flag.
    4DBFPVZGFixed an issue where TestStand returned an error for expressions that specified a variable or property that ended in ".Value".
    48H8L7MFFixed an issue where the edit panes for the Numeric Limit Test and the Multiple Numeric Limit Test steps did not update the numeric format of the measurement properties in the result. This issue prevented reports from displaying measurement data using the numeric format you specified.
    4CBA4BUFixed an issue where a TestStand application returned a generic Runtime Error dialog box when Windows XP users with limited privileges launched the application.
    4DCAP43SFixed an issue where the .NET Adapter incorrectly returned zero for numeric array elements when you specified an expression or an individual array element.
    4BUHT00Fixed an issue where two nested types were not merged properly when a type conflict occurred.
    4D4A09B8Fixed an issue where the AutoSchedule step type example did not fit in 1024 x 768 resolution.
    4DG7SUUZFixed an issue where installers the Deployment Utility created did not include all the dependencies for the Database and Property Loader step types.
    4DJBD0RAFixed an issue where a Call Executable step that ran on a remote server no longer worked when you saved the file as a TestStand 3.5 file and the step did not specify a password.
    4DJA7DYLFixed an issue where TestStand returned an error when you created code using the default template for the C/C++ DLL Adapter.
    4DNF6TB8Fixed an issue where TestStand incorrectly marked step types as modified when you saved sequence files as TestStand 3.5 or earlier files.
    4DPC9B77Fixed an issue where TestStand would hang when a step in an execution called the GetSequenceFileEx method to load a sequence file and TestStand launched the Type Conflict In File dialog box.
    TestStand 3.5 to TestStand 4.0 Bug Fixes
    The following items are changes from TestStand 3.5 to TestStand 4.0, unless otherwise specified.
    Sequence Editor
    User Interfaces
    UI Controls
    C/C++ DLL Adapter
    ActiveX/COM Adapter
    .NET Adapter
    Deployment Utility
    Bug IDFixed Issue
    Sequence Editor
    3PKEGNRAFixed an issue where the Filter tab of the Find in Files dialog box incorrectly excluded adapters that you configured as hidden.
    3709SIG0Fixed an issue where sending a UIMsg_OpenWindows message for an unsaved file to the sequence editor failed to open a window for the file and the sequence editor generated an error indicating that the directory could not be found.
    Fixed an issue where the sequence editor did not update the execution entry points in the Execute menu when you changed the default process model in the Station Options dialog box or when the model file was loaded when previously not found.
    3Q9F1FJ6Fixed an issue where the sequence editor would hang or crash when creating code for a LabVIEW step.
    3R0L6HG0Fixed an issue where the Watch View incorrectly removed carriage-return characters from a watch expression when selecting the expression.
    3QIEFC26Fixed an issue where the sequence editor crashed when you attempted to open a large number of files.
    3BK9B0B8Fixed an issue where the sequence editor did not refresh execution windows to reflect breakpoint changes when you loaded a different workspace.
    39693SB8Fixed an issue where attempting to edit extremely large string values in the sequence editor made the application hang.
    3U5F2PNXFixed an issue where TestStand prompted you to save a type palette file when closing the sequence editor, even after previously saving the file.
    3K3DSTGHThe LabWindows/CVI 8.0 and later Run-Time Engine fixed an issue where the sequence editor leaked memory every time it was deactivated and reactivated.
    3RE8S6FKFixed an issue where TestStand generated an error when you tried to save a sequence file after editing a custom data type.
    3KL7QKUZFixed an issue where inserting code modules on a sequence file in a workspace incorrectly added temporary VIs to the workspace when steps in the sequence file called Express VIs.
    3A8CDMRAFixed an issue where the Watch View did not highlight a watch expression in red when the 'On True' watch breakpoint setting suspended the execution.
    3ALCSSRAFixed an issue where the Watch Expression Settings dialog box discarded changes when you enabled Exist Only in Specified Scope but you did not specify a sequence file.
    47F9LFG0Fixed an issue where the sequence editor and the Report View control leaked memory when displaying XML reports.
    User Interfaces
    36PAB7G0Fixed an issue where an open VB.NET and C# TestStand operator interface cancelled a request to shut down Windows 2000.
    45FLMBG0Fixed an issue where TestStand did not prevent you from attempting to run a second TestStand UI application in the LabVIEW development environment while another TestStand UI application was already running.
    UI Controls
    TestStand 3.5 and later fixed an issue where the ApplicationMgr.OpenSequenceFile method threw an exception if a type conflict occurred. The method now returns NULL, and TestStand fails to load the file.
    3A8AQQLWFixed an issue where a call to the SequenceFileViewMgr.Refresh method removed highlighting for the currently selected steps.
    3ERB3NYLFixed an issue where TestStand did not trace execution of the LoginLogout callback when you enabled the Trace Into Separate Execution Callbacks station option.
    3M7F4U3Fixed an issue where TestStand failed to process the command-line arguments when the ApplicationMgr.LoginOnStart property was False.
    Fixed an issue where the TestStand UI Controls did not display tip strips when used in a LabVIEW operator interface.
    3O4D5BMTFixed an issue where the ReportView control did not display an empty report when you called Report.Reset("").
    3W4BN7B8Fixed an issue where TestStand UI Controls on LabWindows/CVI child panels moved off screen when resizing the control using their borders.
    3OO153MFFixed an issue where the SequenceView UI control did not auto-size the Description column when double-clicking the column divider.
    3QG9N300Fixed an issue where a small memory leak occurred when TestStand used the LabVIEW 8.0 Run-Time Engine to call a VI that displays and closes its front panel. Use LabVIEW 8.0.1 to prevent this memory leak. Alternatively, you can call the VI without displaying the front panel, or you can configure the LabVIEW Adapter to execute VIs using the LabVIEW 8.0 development system.
    3Q9CKF00Fixed an issue where TestStand could not use LabVIEW 7.1.1 or earlier to call a remote VI that has a TestData control wired to its connector pane. Use LabVIEW 8.x to resolve this issue.
    464C8S77The LabVIEW 8.0 Run-Time Engine and later fixed an issue where TestStand crashed when attempting to load a DLL created in LabVIEW 7.0, the LabVIEW 7.0 Run-Time Engine was not installed, and the DLL incorrectly used a different LabVIEW Run-Time Engine. This issue does not occur if you create the DLL using LabVIEW 8.0 or later.
    3M1B99RRFixed an issue where an error occurred and closed the LabVIEW Specify Module dialog box when adding elements to a 1D cluster array.
    3VQCBA5EFixed an issue where the LabVIEW Adapter could not call VIs that wire Generic IO references to the connector pane because the LabVIEW Adapter incorrectly interpreted the terminals as Number (U32).
    3IOEG84EFixed an issue where the LabVIEW Adapter incorrectly created a new data type for cluster parameters that contained an array of clusters.
    Fixed an issue where the LabVIEW Specify Module dialog box did not allow you to specify a value for a required parameter if the step was previously configured to pass a default value when the parameter was not required.
    3ZGG3300Fixed an issue where you could not edit array elements previously specified on the LabVIEW Specify Module dialog box after decreasing the default array size on the control in the VI and reloading the VI prototype.
    3A9AG8J6Fixed an issue where the LabVIEW Adapter parameter mapping feature no longer worked for a step when the step type used a default Express VI as its module and you deleted mapped values applied to the step the last time you configured the step.
    3BRCHDRAFixed an issue where TestStand would hang while executing a VI that called Exit and the LabVIEW Adapter was running VIs in the LabVIEW development environment.
    3B0L59UZFixed an issue where the LabVIEW Adapter waited until shutdown to clean up temporary wrapper VIs that were created when configuring and running Express VIs.
    3BLANJB8Fixed an issue where the LabVIEW Adapter incorrectly removed the variable prefix from a property in a parameter expression when configuring an Express VI.
    3B791NB8TestStand 3.5 and later fixed an issue where the LabVIEW Specify Module dialog box silently discarded parameter values when reconfiguring an Express VI and the parameter names for the VI changed.
    3WD79II0Fixed an issue where the LabVIEW Specify Module dialog box incorrectly decremented the enumeration value of a parameter of a VI for digital display controls.
    3R2FCL4EFixed an issue where TestStand always generated a type conflict when opening a file that used a data type that contained a LabVIEWClusterArray property and the same data type was already loaded.
    3WIC6UQ2Fixed an issue where the LabVIEW Adapter could not pass an array of Data Log File references to a VI.
    Fixed an issue where TestStand would hang or crash when calling a LabVIEW VI that included a control inside a tab and the control was wired to the connector pane.
    3ZIBR00  Fixed an issue where the LabVIEW Adapter did not remap parameter values correctly after changing wired terminals for the VI and reloading the prototype.
    3X98OGW3  Fixed an issue where calling a LabVIEW VI using a LabVIEW Run-Time Engine generated an error if the step passed a string value that started with "LVSTR:".
    3RFD033SFixed an issue where the LabVIEW Adapter returned an error when using the LabVIEW development system to call VIs that returned a Modular Instruments session.
    3V67T88PFixed an issue where TestStand would hang or crash when calling a VI in which the label for a wired control or indicator of the VI ended with a space character.
    3TUC02W3Fixed an issue where calling a LabVIEW VI using a LabVIEW 8.0 Run-Time Engine generated an error if the step returned a VISA session.
    3S1CPSBKFixed an issue where TestStand crashed if you terminated the LabVIEW 8.0 development system while executing a VI.
    3KS9OKGHFixed an issue where the LabVIEW Specify Module dialog box did not clear the description and context help link text when changing an Express VI call to a standard VI call.
    3ZHCQT00Fixed an issue where the LabVIEW Specify Module dialog box did not check the data type of parameters that TestStand passed to 2D array indicators.
    3JNAHRJ6Fixed an issue where TestStand crashed when you attempted to create code using the LabVIEW Adapter and the LabVIEW development system was not installed.
    3KRFO2GHFixed an issue where the LabVIEW Specify Module dialog box incorrectly reported an error when you did not specify an expression for the Element1 property of a DynamicData parameter.
    3ZBF9800Fixed an issue where the LabVIEW Specify Module dialog box cleared the expressions specified for real or imaginary elements of complex parameters when reloading the prototype for the VI.
    3ZCIH077Fixed an issue where the LabVIEW Adapter did not filter out HTML tags, such as bold, from error messages.
    3OUFPBG0Fixed an issue where the LabVIEW Specify Module dialog box incorrectly displayed "1D Array" for the real and imaginary elements of a 2D (or more) complex array parameter.
    3QBCKO77Fixed an issue where the LabVIEW Adapter did not release a reference to a remote VI after unloading all modules.
    3PLEDUM0Fixed an issue where calling the Read From Measurement File Express VI returned error code 100.
    3QHH3RGHTestStand 3.5 and later fixed an issue where the LabVIEW Specify Module dialog box generated an error when adding elements to any array item within a 2D array of clusters.
    2YGG9200LabVIEW 8.2 and later fixed an issue where ActiveX controls, such as the TestStand UI Controls, did not respond to mnemonic keys.
    2ZM2FG0Fixed an issue where the LabVIEW Adapter leaked memory calling VIs with waveform parameters.
    46R964UZFixed an issue where the LabVIEW Adapter reset the Propagate to Subsequence and Allow Propagation from Caller properties on local variables when assigned a waveform value returned from a VI.
    40TE6O3QFixed an issue where the LabVIEW Specify Module dialog box cleared parameter expression values of cluster elements after configuring the Express VI.
    3BND14GHFixed an issue where a LabVIEW operator interface would hang if an execution preloaded a module for a remote VI call when starting the execution.
    3BE9KPB8LabVIEW 7.1.1 and later fixed an issue where LabVIEW lost focus when dismissing a property page for a TestStand UI control.
    41JGQ1BUFixed an issue where a LabVIEW operator interface executable would hang closing the application if you previously executed a remote VI call.
    3ZDCENI0Fixed an issue were the LabVIEW Adapter generated an error when calling a VI that contained a String control that you changed to a Path control.
    3ZIA9VOFFixed an issue where the LabVIEW Specify Module dialog box generated an error when attempting to create a TestStand data type for a parameter that contained an array of LabVIEW I/O controls.
    461A6654Fixed an issue where the LabVIEW Adapter generated an error when trying to call a VI on a LabVIEW 8.0 Real-Time Module system.
    43JJT1M7Fixed an issue where the LabVIEW Adapter incorrectly passed double-byte Japanese string data between TestStand and VIs when executing VIs using the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine.
    41J1LKL3LabVIEW 8.2.1 fixed an issue where TestStand UI Controls became hidden on LabVIEW front panels that you edit if TestStand previously executed a step that called a VI that used a TestStand UI control.
    3Q3DRE77LabVIEW 8.2.1 fixed an issue where TestStand would hang when executing the Undeploy operation of a Deploy Variables step in multiple threads.
    2XIC109QFixed an issue where the LabWindows/CVI ADE required you to select Continue after you attempted to step into a DLL and LabWindows/CVI could not find the specified source file on disk.
    3QIC1VRAFixed an issue where the LabWindows/CVI Specify Module dialog box initiated editing in the Function Call control when you entered lowercase "step" or "locals" as an argument for a parameter.
    3BEB5HRAFixed an issue where expression combo boxes in LabWindows/CVI dialog boxes showed a display value in the control instead of the actual value when you used a mnemonic key to give it focus.
    3P0LAMGHFixed an issue where the LabWindows/CVI Specify Module dialog box read DLL export information and incorrectly interpreted CAObjHandle parameters as integer and incorrectly displayed type names for enum parameters.
    C/C++ DLL Adapter
    3QIDDO6IFixed an issue where the C/C++ DLL Adapter did not update prototypes when you changed how a struct was passed, for example, pass by pointer and pass by value.
    3AD8KU6AFixed an issue where the C/C++ DLL Adapter could not edit code if the function definition in the source file used macros.
    3P8CRURAFixed an issue where the C/C++ DLL Adapter sometimes failed to properly insert code using Visual Studio when the function already existed as the last line and you inserted code below it.
    3BQ8TAYLFixed an issue where the C/C++ DLL Adapter generated an error when generating code with a _bstr_t parameter.
    ActiveX/COM Adapter
    3T39G9BKFixed an issue where the ActiveX/COM Adapter incorrectly generated an error when the interface call returned False and no error object was returned.
    .NET Adapter
    3QIGDN6IFixed an issue where the .NET Adapter incorrectly inserted an Imports statement before Option statements when generating code.
    39Q7ESYLFixed an issue where stepping into C# code while running multiple executions caused a system-level exception.
    3QIENBYLFixed an issue where Edit Code with the .NET Adapter did not work if the source code had duplicate TestStand API "using" statements.
    41BLCE00Fixed an issue where the .NET Specify Module dialog box did not allow you to specify default parameters for a constructor.
    45PBKPOFFixed an issue where the .NET Adapter leaked memory when calling .NET assemblies that returned arrays.
    40M9KPUZFixed an issue where the .NET Specify Module dialog box displayed 1D arrays of classes, structs, or enums as 2D arrays.
    40LF7LUZFixed an issue where the .NET Adapter generated a system-level exception when calling a module where you specified to use the default value for an in/out parameter.
    4709M2YLFixed an issue where the .NET Specify Module dialog box displayed duplicate enum values using the name of the first value.
    Deployment Utility
    2XMAA1G0Fixed an issue where the Deployment Utility taskbar item was not visible when you opened a modal dialog box.
    3RFBRPM0Fixed an issue where the Deployment Utility did not interpret paths properly for files located in the desktop, program menu, and startup directories on foreign operating systems.
    2XQEKRM0Fixed an issue where running the Deployment Utility crashed when running more than one instance of the application.
    3V0D5JI0Fixed an issue where the Deployment Utility could not deploy a VI Template when you configured the Deployment Utility to lock the block diagram of the VI.
    3SS8GQF5TestStand 3.5 and later fixed an issue where the Deployment Utility logged an error when building a deployment if you used Insert Code Modules on the sequence files in the workspace and the workspace included a sequence file that called an Express VI and another sequence file that called the first file.
    3BBGP2MFFixed an issue where the Deployment Utility did not prompt to save a modified .tsd file when loading another .tsd file using the MRU list of the Load button.
    3QDGFQGHFixed an issue where the TestStand Deployment Utility did not properly update the paths to the source files when you copied or moved a .tsd file to a new location and you opened and resaved the .tsd file without performing an analysis of the source files.
    3P5FG56IFixed an issue where the Deployment Utility did not reload updated TestStand search paths from disk before performing an analysis operation.
    3Q2HHRRAFixed an issue where the Deployment Utility erroneously logged a warning indicating that an LLB file could not be found when the path in the workspace for the file was an absolute path.
    3LC85AIAFixed an issue where entering a network path in the Installer Directory control generated an error while typing.
    3N5DKQM0Fixed an issue where the Deployment Utility did not list the National Instruments directory as a target for deploying files.
    3OSGP7G2Fixed an issue where the Deployment Utility did not allow you to create non-English based installers.
    3BBERU6ATestStand 3.5 and later fixed an issue where the Hide License option in the Deployment Utility did not appear enabled when loading a .tsd file.
    40KMM4M7Fixed an issue where the Deployment Utility failed to warn you when you attempted to include files with dual-byte character names in an English installer.
    3RDE1RM0Fixed an issue where the Deployment Utility did not properly update VI module paths in steps when the called VI contained dual-byte characters.
    42BCLS00Fixed an issue where loading protected files generated unexpected type conflicts or unknown type name errors.
    47EGAK3SFixed an issue where an execution appeared to leak memory if a Sequence Call step executed a sequence in another file and the step was set to unload the module after the step executed. TestStand did not free the file globals for the sequence file that the step called.
    373B4HG0Fixed an issue where TestStand listed the "Containing project directory" as an option in the Edit Search Directories dialog box. The workspace uses the relative path from a file to the project file if valid.
    3KEBH1B8Fixed an issue where the Expression Browser dialog box did not allow you to insert subproperties into a container property.
    3DRA52MTFixed an issue where the Preconditions dialog box deleted an "AllOf" function if you entered a C++ style comment in an expression element of the precondition.
    3O4ESKMTFixed an issue where an Expression control incorrectly highlighted the FindFile function as an error when you passed a property that evaluated to an empty string at edit time.
    3EAAP8W3Fixed an issue where the Sequence Properties dialog box incorrectly attempted to validate expressions that apply only when the file type is a model.
    3SE2O1LLFixed an issue where the Preconditions dialog box prevented you from selecting a step that had a large number of characters in its name.
    3F5HE48AFixed an issue where TestStand incorrectly displayed the Advanced button when calling DisplayPropertiesDialog on a User object and you passed PropDlgOption_DisableAdvancedButton to the options parameter.
    3YFED9AFFixed an issue where selecting Loop on Selected Steps executed the steps inside a For Loop only once if the last selected step was the End step.
    3CUCA96IFixed an issue where TestStand did not update all expressions in a sequence that referenced a step when you changed the name of the step.
    39HFRT00Fixed an issue where TestStand did not allow you to replace an existing file when you attempted to save the file for an earlier version of TestStand.
    3BLFB8B8Fixed an issue where the Workspace Browser dialog box did not open non-sequence files in an external program when you double-clicked the file.
    3D6E7RZ8Fixed an issue where the For Each step did not assign a value to the current element value if the property was an instance of a custom data type.
    3UQ1CD8PFixed an issue where TestStand suppressed run-time error handling in 'Not Viewable' protected files by not calling PostStepRuntimeError callbacks until the run-time error propagated to a non-protected file.
    3YLABIONFixed an issue where the privileges of a user became enabled when a user who did not have administrator privileges updated their password.
    3VU43BQWFixed an issue where the expression values on the Text and Buttons Tab of the Message Popup dialog box mirrored value changes you made to the Response String Length control on the Options Tab.
    3TFAHFI0Fixed an issue where the data for the graph control in TestStand XML reports did not appear because the Y axis range was incorrect.
    3YKAULUUFixed an issue where looping on a Sequence Call step and disabling Record Result of Each Iteration on the step caused the expand.xsl style sheet to incorrectly indent step results in the report.
    3VRGAGT3Fixed an issue where on-the-fly XML reporting failed to update the interim report unless the call stack depth was less than 3.
    3R0A3CG0Fixed an issue where the AddRootTagsToXMLReport function in ModelSupport.dll incorrectly changed CRLF to CRCRLF, which resulted in odd formatting when viewing the XML file.
    3U8DHRB8Fixed an issue where TestStand crashed when you changed the ExecutionViewMgr.StepGroupMode property while running.
    3QDBPHB8Fixed an issue where executing an AutoSchedule step a second time while running a sequence would hang if while running the first time you exited the block without completing the block normally.
    3QBE2DRAFixed an issue where clicking on some of the secondary dialog boxes that the Database Options dialog box displayed closed the dialog boxes without committing the changes.
    3T8D6AB8Fixed an issue where TestStand crashed when calling Engine.GetInternalOption(InternalOption_ApplicationManager).
    3P79DDB8Fixed an issue where TestStand crashed when you compared two context property values in an expression.
    3K7DD4MFFixed an issue where the CommentOf expression function returned an empty string when called on SequenceFile objects.
    3QIDL2RAFixed an issue where the Database Options dialog box discarded edits to a schema comment if you tabbed off the control.
    4661QKIZFixed an issue where a Property Loader step failed when importing from a file that contained import data for a large array or container property.
    421D7CYLFixed an issue where TestStand reported property object leaks after a Sequence Call to a remote computer failed to access the system.
    425APA00Fixed an issue where Message Popup steps returned an error when executed on a remote computer that you call using a Sequence Call step.
    467AHKYLFixed an issue where the array data was incorrectly interpreted when displayed in the graph of an XML report on a system configured to use commas as decimal points.
    43JFG3B8Fixed an issue where a Do While step incorrectly evaluated its condition for its first loop if you previously executed the loop and you branched out of the loop to restart the loop again.
    44IDMK7KFixed an issue where the TestStand Database Viewer generated an empty error message when attempting to open an invalid data link.
    46PF9MUUFixed an issue where XML reports that used the horizontal stylesheet did not display if a Multiple Numeric Limit Test step returned an empty array with no measurements.
    41E86U77Fixed an issue where the Property Loader incorrectly created database columns using the varchar data type instead of a numeric data type.
    41HCK7G0Fixed an issue where the Application Manager generated an error when returning from an ApplicationMgr.UIMessageEvent event for a custom UIMessage.
    447GTM7Fixed an issue where an error occurred in process models when attempting to generate a report if the sequence file pathname contained specific Japanese characters and TestStand was generating the report in the same directory as the sequence file.
    35BG11B8Fixed an issue where TestStand supported only 256 colors for icons. TestStand now supports 16-, 24-, and 32-bit icons.
    3Z6AH8CNFixed an issue where the IVI-C Switch step used a semicolon instead of a comma as a delimiter for Init options when trying to simulate the instrument, which resulted in the step using the real instrument when present.
    3V9G93IFThe LabVIEW 8.0 Run-Time Engine fixed an issue where Visual Studio displayed the following prompt: "Managed Debugging Assistant 'LoaderLock' detected a problem in SeqEdit.vshost.exe" when the sequence editor loaded the LabVIEW 7.1 Run-Time Engine while debugging TestStand with Visual Studio and you enabled Managed Debugging Assistant on the Exception dialog box in Visual Studio.
    47L5HNMFixed the documentation for the Replace expression function, which incorrectly stated that the function returned the modified string.
    TestStand 3.1 and later fixed an issue from TestStand 2.0.x where the DLL Flexible Prototype Adapter incorrectly handled calls to AddRef() and Release() on references in structure parameters or arrays of structure parameters when the value of a reference that was passed to the code module was different than the value the code module returned. If you attempt to run the TestStand 2.0.x example located in \Examples\StructPassing\C or any code module based on this example in TestStand 3.1 and later without properly handling references, TestStand might crash. The TestStand 2.0.x version of this example failed to properly call AddRef() and Release() on references in structure parameters that the code module used. The C/C++ DLL Adapter in TestStand 3.1 and later resolves this issue, and the TestStand 3.1 and later examples properly demonstrate how to use references within structure parameters.
    TestStand 3.0 and later fixed an issue where the order of execution for the Pre and Post Interactive callbacks was incorrect for steps that run in a root interactive execution. In TestStand 2.0, the order of execution was Setup Step Group, Pre Interactive Callbacks, Selected Steps, Post Interactive Callbacks, and Cleanup Step Group. In TestStand 3.0 and later, the order of execution is Pre Interactive Callbacks, Setup Step Group, Selected Steps, Cleanup Step Group, and Post Interactive Callbacks.
    TestStand 3.5 and later fixed an issue where the Edit String Value Test dialog box persisted as "\r\n" in the Expected String Value control. TestStand now persists "\n" instead.
    TestStand 3.1 and later fixed an issue where the Microsoft Internet Explorer ActiveX control TestStand used to display HTML and XML reports in the sequence editor report tab and the Custom UI Report did not always release its internally allocated memory each time the Internet Explorer control updated the report. If you update the control continuously over an extended period of time, the TestStand process memory use increases. TestStand 3.0 used the control in such a way that the failure to release memory occurred more often. TestStand 3.1 and later contain workarounds that limit the amount of memory the control fails to release. When you use on-the-fly reports, TestStand uses the Internet Explorer control only when the control is visible.
    320FDRMTTestStand 3.1 and later fixed an issue introduced in TestStand 3.0 where if you opened a TestStand 2.x sequence file that contained a custom step type in TestStand 3.0, TestStand 3.0 incorrectly turned off the Instance Default Flag, PropFlags_SharedAtRunTime, for the Step.TS property. A side effect of this change is that in TestStand 3.0, instances of this type ignore run time changes to built-in step properties and code module settings. For example, if a step altered the precondition of another step at run time, the precondition change was ignored.

    TestStand 3.1 and later fix this issue by reverting the flag back to its proper state when loading a TestStand 3.0 file. TestStand does not mark the step type as modified.

    To prevent the fixed version of a step type in TestStand from being used in or accidentally propagating back to earlier TestStand sequence files, enable the Set Earliest TestStand Version that can Use this Type setting on the Version tab of the Step Type Properties dialog box and set the earliest version to the current version of TestStand.
    NI-VISA 3.1 or later and NI-DAQmx 7.2 or later fixed an issue where the NI-PAL Service Manager (nipalsm.exe) generated an error each time you restarted the system.
    Additional Information
    • Refer to the support section of the National Instruments Web site at http://www.ni.com/support/teststandsupp, which also includes an email-based TestStand technical discussion forum, for additional information about TestStand.

    © 2007 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation.
    National Instruments, NI, ni.com, NI TestStand, and LabVIEW are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Terms of Use section on ni.com/legal for more information about National Instruments trademarks.
    Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
    For patents covering National Instruments products, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your CD, or ni.com/patents.

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