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[NI软件产品] NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection 3.0 - Windows XP/2000

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    发表于 2013-4-20 21:34:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自:广东省东莞市 联通


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    Windows系统下(Linux和MAC系统下请自行了解清楚)NI的各种软件、模块、工具包、驱动程序,使用NI许可证管理器来激活的,绝大部分的都可以使用NI Lincense Activator来激活:NI序列号Serial Number生成激活工具NI License Activator,LabVIEW/VBAI/VDM/VAS等软件模块工具包破解工具不限版本http://visionbbs.com/thread-490-1-1.html


    NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection 3.0 - Windows XP/2000

    VBAI3.0.0.txt (305 Bytes, 下载次数: 0, 售价: 50 元)

    下载语言: English
    产品线: Vision Software
    版本: 3.0
    发布日期: 09-01-2006
    软件类型: Application Software
    操作系统: Windows XP; Windows 2000

    All rightsreserved.

    General Information

    Note: You must be logged in with administrator privileges to install VisionBuilder AI.

    a.Insert the Vision Builder AI CD into your computer. If the CD startup screendoes not appear, use Windows Explorer to run the Setup.exe program from the Vision Builder AI CD.

    b.Follow the setup instructions on your screen.
    5) The Vision Builder AI installercreates the following directory structure under the Vision Builder AI 3.0directory:

    ·        An updated, more flexibleprocess model, which allows the user to create a state diagram that controlsthe flow of execution for the inspection.
    ·        Defect Detection stepwhich compares areas of an image to a golden template and returns differences.
    ·        Dynamic Region of Intereststep which allows the user to define and manipulate dynamic regions of interestwithin an inspection.
    ·        GigE Vision camera supportwhich allows you to acquire images from GigE Vision cameras.
    ·        Global Variable step whichdefines and references data from within an inspection, and allows the user topass data among states within the inspection.
    ·        Updated Display step foroverlaying graphics, data, and text onto the inspection image.
    ·        Updated Read Text stepwhich now supports optical character verification.
    ·        Enhanced Read Data Matrixstep, with improvement in speed and accuracy, and support for the ISO 16022 (AIM)grading standard.
    ·        Updated I/O Steps, withsupport for both Digital and Analog NI-DAQmx devices, and single shot pulsegeneration and change detection on NI-IMAQ I/O devices.
    How toActivate the Vision Builder AI License
    If you choose not toactivate a license when you install Vision Builder AI, you are prompted toactivate a license when you launch Vision Builder AI for the first time. If youdo not activate a valid license, Vision Builder AI runs in Evaluation Mode andcontinues to prompt you to activate a license on each subsequent launch. WhileVision Builder AI is in Evaluation Mode, all features are available, except MigrateInspection to LabVIEW. The duration of the evaluation period is 30 days, atthe end of which you are required to activate the Vision Builder AI license tocontinue using the product.
    Complete the followingsteps to activate the Vision Builder AI license using an Internet connection.

    ·        NI PCI-1405
    ·        NI PCI/PXI-1407
    ·        NI PCI/PXI-1409
    ·        NI PCI-1410
    ·        NI PCI/PXI-1411
    ·        NI PCI/PXI-1422
    ·        NI PCI-1424
    ·        NI PCI-1426
    ·        NI PCI/PXI-1428
    ·        NI PCIe-1427
    ·        NI PCIe-1429
    ·        NI PCIe-1430
    ·        Sony XCI Smart Camera,refer to Getting Started: NI Vision Builder AI and Sony XCI Smart Cameras availableon ni.com/manuals for more information

    3) This version of Vision Builder AIsupports the following NI-IMAQ I/O devices:

    ·        When you choose SelectNetwork Target in Vision Builder AI while the Windows XP SP2 InternetConnection Firewall is enabled, a dialog box may open, giving you the option toallow Vision Builder AI to receive information over a network. NationalInstruments recommends that you select Unblock this program so thatVision Builder AI can configure your remote NI CVS-1450 Series device. You mustbe logged in with administrator privileges to configure this networking option.Visit ni.com/info and enter winxpsp2 for more information.
    ·        Vision BuilderAI might not display an inspected image if the image is large and your computeris running out of memory.
    ·        If you areusing the Vision Builder AI ActiveX component from LabVIEW, you must useLabVIEW 8.2 or later.
    ·        When using the VisionBuilder AI Development Toolkit, you must close all open LabVIEW VIs beforeattempting to create a new step or importing a Vision Builder AI 2.6 step.
    ·        When using the VisionBuilder AI Development Toolkit, if you import a Vision Builder AI 2.6 step thatuses previous measurement results, when the step executes, the array ofmeasurements in the XXXX - User Interface and XXXX - User Programming VIs willbe empty. Refer to the NI Vision Builder for Automated InspectionDevelopment Toolkit User Guide for information about using previousmeasurements in Vision Builder AI 3.0.
    ·        When using theVision Builder AI ActiveX component while the Windows XP SP2 InternetConnection Firewall is enabled, a dialog box may open, giving you the option toallow VBAI_Server to receive information over a network. You must select Unblockthis program to use the Vision Builder AI ActiveX component. You must belogged in with administrator privileges to configure this networking option.Visit ni.com/info and enter winxpsp2 for more information.
    ·        When using theVision Builder AI ActiveX component, the NIVBAITargetMode setting isnot available. Therefore, the connection to a target always allows fullcontrol.
    ·        When using the VisionBuilder AI ActiveX component, if the connection to a local target fails thefirst time you try to connect to the target using the NIVBAITarget control, restart thecomputer and retry the connection.

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