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[LabVIEW] NI LabVIEW 8.5.1 Win32Eng LabVIEW8.5.1 32位英文版下载

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    NI LabVIEW 8.5.1 Win32Eng LabVIEW8.5.1 32位英文版下载

    美国国家仪器NI,编程平台8.5.1 Windows32位英文版。石鑫华视觉网/机器视觉论坛专供。
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    LV8.5.1ENG.txt (375 Bytes, 下载次数: 13, 售价: 50 元)

    8.5.1 Readme for Windows
    January 2008
    This file contains important last-minute information about  8.5.1 for Windows, including installation and upgrade issues, compatibility issues, a partial list of bugs fixed in the current version of , and changes from  8.5. Refer to the Upgrade Notes for more information about upgrade and compatibility issues and for a complete list of new features in  8.5.x. Refer to the Release Notes for installation instructions. After you install , you can access both of these documents by selecting Help»Search the  Help in  and navigating to the Technical Support and Professional Services book.
    Refer to the National Instruments Web site for the latest information about  8.5.1.
    Refer to the \readme directory for readme files about  add-ons, including modules and toolkits.
    Supported Platforms
    Installing Another Language Version
    Installing  Silently
    Known Issues
    Additions to the  Help
    Documentation Corrections
    Bug Fixes
    Recompiling VIs for Bug Fixes
    Supported Platforms
    supports Windows Vista/XP/2000.  does not support Windows NT/Me/98/95, any of the Windows Server editions, or Windows XP x64.  does support Windows Vista x64.
    Refer to the Release Notes for a complete list of system requirements.
    Installing  8.5.1
    If you have  8.5 installed, you can install  8.5.1 without first uninstalling  8.5. Note: Because  installs 8.5.1 over 8.5, you cannot have both  8.5 and 8.5.1 installed simultaneously.
    If you do not have  8.5 installed, you can install  8.5.1 without first installing  8.5.
    Refer to the Release Notes for more information about installing .
    Installing Another Language Version
    If you have another language version of  8.5.x installed on your computer, uninstall that version before installing the new language version.
    Installing  Silently
    You can install  without viewing any installation dialog boxes. Refer to the National Instruments Web site for more information about installing  silently.
    Refer to the Release Notes for more information about installing .
    relies on licensing activation. You must activate a valid  license before you can run . To activate , use the serial number you received as part of your installation package.
    Refer to the Release Notes for more information about licensing in .
    Known Issues
    You can access the known issues in  8.5.x online. Refer to the National Instruments Web site for a complete, up-to-date listing of known issues in 8.5.x.
    Additions to the Help
    • A .NET or ActiveX property that returns a reference to a class outside the current type library cannot be made into a dotted property. When you view the property in the Class Browser window, a blue glyph does not appear next to the property name in the Properties and Methods list.
    • You can access  data files from DIAdem regardless of the format in which you stored those data files.
    • If you configure source control in ,  does not report an error when you save a VI to a directory outside the SCC specification.
    • In  7.x and earlier, if you wire dynamic data to a waveform-based polymorphic VI that has Automatic selected in the polymorphic VI selector,  selects the 1-channel instance. In  8.x,  selects the N-channel instance. The N-channel instance returns arrays of measurement data instead of a single measurement, so VIs that use a waveform-based polymorphic VI might be broken in  8.x. If you want to process only the first signal in the dynamic data, you must manually select the 1-channel instance in the polymorphic VI selector.
    • 8.5.1 adds the Flush Shared Variable Data VI to the Shared Variable palette. Use this VI to flush the buffer of a network-published Shared Variable immediately.  automatically flushes the 8 kilobyte buffer either when it fills up or after 10 milliseconds have passed.
    • The following MathScript functions are new in  8.5.1:
      • dimpulse—Creates an impulse response plot of the discrete system model. Use this function to return the impulse response of the model outputs. This function assumes the initial states of the model are zeros.
      • dlsim—Creates the linear simulation plot of a discrete system model. This function calculates the output of the model if a set of inputs excite the model, using discrete simulation. If you do not specify an output, this function creates a plot.
      • dstep—Creates a step response plot of the discrete system model. Use this function to return the step response of the model outputs. This function assumes the initial states of the model are zero. If you do not specify an output, this function creates a plot.
    • The following MathScript functions are changed in  8.5.1:
      • fprintf—Type descriptors work correctly. You can successfully return an integer and return two separate values in a string.
    • might display inconsistent palette categories on its first launch for different upgrade users.  attempts to initialize the palettes based on configurations in previously installed versions of .
    Documentation Corrections
    • The Fundamentals manual and the Quick Reference Card did not change for  8.5.x. Therefore, the content might not reflect changes made in  8.5.x. Refer to the Help for the most updated information.
    • The Upgrade Notes, the Release Notes, and the Getting Started with manual did not change for  8.5.1. Therefore, the content might not reflect changes made in  8.5.1.
    • The Getting Started with manual does not reflect the most updated version of the DAQ Assistant in Chapter 4.
    • The place and find buttons in the Unzip and LV Object Constant topics do not function properly.
    • The Upgrade Notes incorrectly states that in  7.x and earlier, the Active Cell Properties:Cell Size:Height and Active Cell Properties:Cell Size:Width properties return one less pixel for each line in the tree control than in  7.x.

      The text should read:
      In  7.x and earlier, the Active Cell Properties:Cell Size:Height and Active Cell Properties:Cell Size:Width properties return one less pixel for each line in the tree control than in  8.x.
    • The Help should state that the parameter maximum and parameter minimum arrays in the parameter bounds input of the Constrained Nonlinear Curve Fit VI accept values of 蜂nf.
    • The Help should state that the merging VIs feature new to  8.5 is available in the  Professional Development System only. You access the merging VIs feature by selecting Tools»Merge VIs from the front panel or block diagram to display the Merge VIs dialog box. You also can use the Merge.exe utility in  Professional Development System only.
    • The Help incorrectly states that you can use the properties dialog boxes to configure the range and desired delta for fixed-point numbers in constants, controls, indicators, and the outputs of certain functions. You can configure only the encoding, word length, and integer word length for fixed-point numbers.  displays the corresponding range and delta in the properties dialog box when you configure the encoding, word length, and integer word length for a fixed-point number.
    • The Help does not list a possible value for the Wakeup Reason data node in the Nodes of the Timed Loop topic. Value 2 is Asynchronous wakeup.
    • The Help should state that the /3GB option to extend virtual memory is available on Windows XP only, not Windows 2000. Also, you should have at least Windows Service Pack 2 installed on the Windows XP system.
    Bug Fixes
    The following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed between  8.5 and  8.5.1. If you have a Bug ID, you can search this list to validate that the issue has been fixed. Some issues require that you complete additional installation instructions to activate the fix. The Bug ID for these issues appears as a hyperlink that jumps to the Recompiling VIs for Bug Fixes section. This is not an exhaustive list of issues fixed in the current version of .
    IDFixed Issue
    41OHD4VQGriddata MathScript function fails on large data sets
    42G7H7O5VI save failures on shared network drives
    4469UNUZCannot load or open .NET assemblies in the  run-time engine if the  8.0 run-time engine is loaded in the same process
    44KFJPNMExample Finder shows up all black the first time you launch it
    47TBB7JK"Corrupted" reliance formats
    4859Q6DXNode which calls zeta.m which itself is dependent on eta.m loads as broken.
    490BSJ2JThe factor function in MathScript does not generate an error on wrong input datatype
    492EUJ00User-Define Refnum control fails to be created
    49G8P500VI Server: Open application returns 1379 error when initiating PC or device without resolvable machine name on network
    49KE8UXX crashes when closing empty user-defined refnum
    49MD1TX6Choosing Save as»Copy on a VI inside of a class marks original as modified
    49UDMI2JNargoutchk behaves inconsistently with help description
    4A8CI3BWWeb Service Importer: Tool hung when generating wrapper VIs
    4AKFM1J1Changing the label or typedef status of controls in a class' private data cluster does not update Bundle by Name or Unbundle By Name nodes
    4AP8M261Simple Process Monitor will error if refreshing variable list has no process selected
    4B1CC3V9Scrolling graph cursor legend corrupts front panel drawing
    4B24T15IWhen trying to write to read-only ".m" file, MathScript does not show an error dialog box
    4B59LT4RInteractive Alignment hangs with large value for alias rejection
    4BAC1SUKVista: ActiveX launches  8.5 irrespective of which version was launched last.
    4BBDA4SFVIs on MS Companion Diagram show in VI Hierarchy
    4BCHEQ71Deploying I/O server in a DSC RTS application will crash run-time engine
    4BCH23FNDragging a Variable between projects if a Multi-Variable Editor window is open causes  to hang
    4BFGE461Library Generation: cannot write files under C:\
    4BFELA00If a VI is open with unsaved changes, using that VI as a probe and then closing the VI will crash
    4BG89UZUVariable communication may not work on a smart camera with both NICs active
    4BGA5OCIMathScript function grid does not display minor grid and tick for scale in logarithm mapping mode
    4BHDFS61Create Bound Variables will have problem if variable being binded is a string type
    4BHAGQN8Fixed point type not working right with Number to Engineering String primitive
    4BHDEO0SSharedVariablesToLib.vi crashes  when the Library name is not specified
    4BI8BFQERemote VI Server hogs CPU when closed after its running for 30 minutes
    4BIH0ACBCorruption in Citadel
    4BJ8QS61Custom Gauge XControl: Cannot bind the control to a non-local shared variable
    4BJCNS61Cannot create online variables with correct data types
    4BCGOUVBCompile Error: ufpstart err, avail=0x650 with array of clusters of strings
    4BJDHBP2Tools»Merge VIs menu item appears on built applications
    4BLEAH7CAcquire Sound Express VI might hang
    4BM9HJGQLvanlys/MKL exceptions returns incorrect linear algebra results on Pentium 4 when multiple MKL versions loaded
    4BMG3E13Variable Manager does not handle programmatically created or altered network shared variable data type properly
    4BMFF6SFXML Scripting does not disable backups
    4BMGP200Closing the MathScript window causes problems with the MathScript Probe variable display
    4BN6S2PWMathScript built-in function calls are not case insensitive
    4BN8QJE9 8.5 French: Run Dual Mode Thermometer XControl.vi is broken
    4BNABNU9Some MathScript displays cannot be undocked from variable viewer
    4BND06BQEdit Palette Set is not showing VI titles anymore for some subpalettes
    4BNH3I2NCancelling configuration of an Express VI may incorrectly cause the calling VI to have unsaved changes
    4BOFH6LGMathScript window launches slowly from a project
    4BOGOCZWNeed to update CVI icon in Example Finder
    4BOLAQU9ActiveX container loads incorrectly in XControl
    4BPA7Q3IApply typedef change to callers resets caller data to default if object in panel set to scale with pane
    4BQGKUQ4Problem when you modify shared variable names in Multiple Variable Editor
    4BQAQFMPFull text search in Mac/Linux help hangs
    4BQFHTFFFinding dependant assemblies fails even when there are right next to the calling assembly
    4BQBR49AErrors may occur trying to download a Statechart to an RT target after making changes to the Statechart
    4BT8SI00Crash when passing parameter of wrong type to an ActiveX method that takes a safe array of IDispatch pointers as the parameter
    4BTB4USFApp Builder preview window tree control keeps resizing when warnings present
    4BTBJL9ASaving a Statechart file over an existing Statechart file may result in wasted disk space usage by the Statechart file
    4BU9BKLSXControl in subpanel loses cursor position under heavy I/O delays
    4BU9K5HQGet error trying to uninstall SPC Toolkit
    4BUCGIP2Anything that uses Call Library node can show up as broken in the mass compile logs
    4BUDR1SFMathScript history window loses position after empty lines
    4BUEG90QDomain Account Manager help button opens broken page when other  version is installed
    4C0DNI2AWebservice import utility does not generate VIs with customer webservice
    4C0GS09ABuilding an application that calls a Statechart with a guard or action VI containing a call dll node returns an error
    4C0H8D9AAlert dialogs and internal errors may occur generating code for some Statecharts
    4C19NRC3Wiring a queue data type to a notifier does not break
    4C2BINCFMC Matrix cast to Double and Crashes
    4C2E3LGIDefault values incorrect when enabling logging
    4C5BIJV6Unexpected zero-iteration behavior with for loop with conditional terminal where auto-indexed output tunnels are getting non-empty arrays
    4C5FFLRKData corrupted in place when modifed using property node in sub-VI
    4C89S8ZFRead Trace Cache bug
    4C8A8EF2Merge VIs is reporting moved for block diagram objects that did not move
    4C9CRUXPBound Buffered Shared Variable gives Error -1950679020
    4C9EF400Find Project Item dialog position problem for 1024x768 or lower resolutions
    4C9EPL60Subpanel in Xcontrol unresponsive
    4C9G8M9ZPlugInDDOMeth::GenCode generates incorrect unique control id for VI running on VxWorks
    4CCAB5SFMathScript implementation VIs should defer error window updates
    4CCCBHUZIssues with shouldRedrop.vi
    4CEH6J00Cannot call more than 128 VIs in  at the same time using the C or the COM interface
    4CFADPDXReplace array subset broken for 4D (or higher) arrays
    4CG9B3J1LVClass using NI-VISA (or NI-DAQ or IVI) in private data control corrupts when upgrading
    4CGE71PWMathScript parser does not work if comments contain double quotes, degree symbols, or squared symbols
    4CGF9D41 crashes when merging VIs using custom controls
    4CJ8GDN8Failure during VI save results in docmods being incorrectly cleared
    4CJAP4F2merge crashes when tab control is matched with non-tab control
    4CJFKTCSCrash when running VI that uses Match Pattern and Feedback Node
    4CKERKC3Read Linker Info fails on VIs that have a static VI reference to themselves
    4CKGJ6Q7UDP Write hangs  when called in a loop with a high loop rate
    4CLEOLMQAuto-populating folders on Mac cause 100% CPU usage
    4CLFHASFMathScript node compilation does not disable backups
    4CM921LJShortcuts added in installers are not created properly
    4CML9UJ1Get LV Class Default Value.vi cannot access  class inside an LLB
    4CL3ORO5Name of VI is missing when error occurs during build process
    4CQHC0PWImread does not read 32-bit images
    4CRKTASKCrash when merging new event structures from both yours and theirs tied to new front panel controls
    4CSE5QABCannot read all data values from extremely large TDMS channels
    4CSFJE7ZTask reference does not propagate out of subVI
    4CU3C5QWUpdating a typedef with a refnum cluster inside can crash
    4CU8G3ZQ PNP Project Style Drivers do not show up in  palettes without mass compile of driver
    4CUASBSFMathScript ans treatment does not work in an if statement
    4CUCQEARSignificant slowdown in code exeuction when manipulating arrays
    4CUGA5RKResizing stacked plot chart legend at run-time crashes
    4CUDBIVB" 8.5 Memory is full" error with variant indicator populated from ActiveX server interface
    4D3CTJLVCannot Register DLL as a COM file in  when building an installer
    4D3F27W2Source Files under Application Builder do not get updated correctly when added and then removed from the Always Included pane
    4D5D7A5CMac OS: Create Text on 3d picture control does not show the whole string
    4D6EI7XXCalls To DB Tools Execute Query With Non-Forward-Only Cursor Fails in  8.5, Error 3005
    4D978ETQ freezes after sending a big string at a high rate using UDP
    4D97A7ST 8.5 crashes when deleting a scale that has a cursor attached to the last scale in the scale list
    4D9AECBAMathScript: "help browser" does not launch the browser window
    4D9F2RZKMulticore performance problem: cache alignment constant too small
    4DA9POK8Move On Disk causes  to crash
    4DB9TD00Double multplied by integer results in value type casted as integer
    4DBAEUDURight click on intensity graph/chart's scale legend crashes
    4DCA4S0DProblem opening previous integrity VIs on Windows
    4DC7QB1WCrash when merging files with the same filename
    4DCG3KN8Problems setting a run-time menu back to default
    4DDE2S00Read Event Data example does not work
    4DDFFB00Closing the dialog using the X button that pops up when dropping the Storage VIs Get/Set Properties freezes
    4DGEJ5J1SubVI produces no output unless "Allow Debugging" is enabled when set to subroutine priority
    4DH8D5QKDuplicate files displayed within the installer properties in  8.5
    4DH9IKLY Runtime not compatible with installed
    4DH9KJP2Error building an application the first time when "Copy Error Codes" advanced option is checked
    4DHDH7B7Disabling "Allow Debugging" causes problems with array data
    4DHETOCBEnum property node RingText.Text crashes  8.5
    4DIFHDMX crashes when opening the XControl instance whose state cluster contains lvclass
    4DICA6GQIconembedser too slow embedds too many icons
    4DJ81ULJ 8.5 crash when 985x SerialFlash Configuration VI is run
    4DJ86FSFMathScript sprintf concatenates outputs into first variable
    4DKEG9I8Incorrect timestamp returned by TDMS Read when reading file containing digital waveform
    4DKF4I9OCPU usage jumps drastically on different tab controls in  8.5
    4DNA4KN8Valid queue reference becomes Not a Refnum on a loop tunnel (inplaceness issue)
    4DNC9900Bound Buffered Shared Variable gives the "No known Value" on first connection no matter how many times you read.
    4DO9H1Q4DSC 8.5.1 is not an available option in installer
    4DO78989Compiler error when using some strings with Max & Min
    4DOAOO00Adding a VI/control with no extension adds a document rather than a VI
    4DOC1T00Make top level in LLB is not enabled for VIs under project folders if folder is applying a destination to an LLB
    4DOC349IXControl custom property execution is slower in  8.5
    4DOED73A crashes when opening a VI with LLB manager disabled
    4DPRHHVWrite To Measurement File express VI in a loop always resets each iteration causing multiple channels to be written
    4DP778P2 crashes after running AB_GraphicFileConnectivity App builder autotest.
    4DP855N3Write to Binary File function writes incorrect data when writing manipulated arrays
    4DPGR57ZPhysical channel control not populated with default value
    4DQ9CO9ASimple custom probe creation can crash
    4DQB2VP2 gets SCC status of the Getting Started Window on startup
    4DQESJU4Bundling two digital waveforms of different sizes crashes
    4DRBL900Unknown symbols not reported by parser/semantic analysis if they are defined later in the script
    4DRCI9LGStop condition terminal not updated in merge VIs
    4E0EEEWJNon-virtual destructor in sparse iterator class and possible memory leak
    4E0EKD00A VI with a strict static VI reference to itself breaks as it runs
    4E0G4C71New plot legend killed autosize behavior
    4E1B60P2Unzip.vi returns "Error code 2, System Exec.vi." when trying to unzip
    4E1F35U9Improve view of Mathscript datatype breaks Control Design Mathscript datatype views.
    4E1FI200MathScript ans treatment does not work in an elseif statement
    4E1GHD9OSave VI Gives Memory Full Error in  8.5
    4E29MOP2 crashes when duplicating a case when terminal is inside if "Delete/Copy panel terminals from diagram" is unchecked.
    4E3EOKBDCrash when closing Call Driver.VI
    4E485CF2.NET, mscorlib dependency conflict appears in  8.5
    4E4ASNJ1Updating a typedef used by a priv data control can crash
    4E4ERDTPCompiler Error in VI with compound arithmetic primitive taking array and float inputs
    4E3I4TVBDigital Waveform Graph Cursor Legend Does Not Show Correct Y-Values
    4E7C36MXProject level SCC settings do not persistwhen changing back to default
    4EB8KS9OError caused by Feedback node on Split/Search String in  8.5
    4EBC79AGError when feedback node handles subarray types
    4EB7N9NKTCP Write with a constant connection ID compiler error
    4EB9PEF2Merge fails if Base VI is inside LLB
    4EBC1FGQAdapt to Platform crashes  on Mac OS
    4EBBLTETDwarn thrown during Mass Compile
    4EBHHCWSUsing XControl in the control editor hangs
    4EE82TQW"Metrics:Total Data Size" VI Server property gives incorrect results
    4EF84KGQNeed better workaround for filling the image table
    4EFAC8F2Crash compiling VI with in place element structure
    4EFEMMWBNon-Functional Formula Express VI for  8.5 Base
    4EGGDA5DCrash when merging structure containing reference to control whose terminal is outside the structure
    4EHCRN9ZUnflatten From String primitive returns "Class not loaded" error when class has been created on this launch of
    4EH5G5TQ crashes when exporting a graph or chart as BMP or EMF image to clipboard
    4EHF7EJ1FPTerminals are not laid out correctly on some VIs when using New»VI for Override...
    4EI92JAIApplication created after converting a build script is missing menubar
    4EI9A100"Error Generating Preview" message when trying to build an installer
    4ELE96SFMathScript Node crashes  with force synced dist
    4ELMQO00VI returns behaves differently when Allow Debugging True/False
    4EM9HO00VI crashes when recompiled if Allow Debugging is FALSE
    4EM9CC70The TDMS Read creates a memory leak if used with strings
    4EME5B5ELinux: fileio/newdir.llb/New Directory.vi is reporting errors
    4EN8GEQQUnsuccessful build of executable containing shared variable with target relative option
    4ENAG200Autosaving a project removes source files from build specs
    4END8VJ1Child class using typedef always broken on load if typedef is protected member VI of parent class
    4EPDDRW9XControls cause parent VI to be unresponsive when run in a loop quickly
    4ETCLK2A 8.5 crashes sometimes when empty array wired to DisabledItems[] property node
    4ETEL4V2Inplaceness bug when concatenating to a string in LVClass' private data cluster
    4F0B2VSFMathScript scripting performance improvement
    4F1AENF2Merging conflict can leave nodes unwired
    4F48EUU4Dynamic Dispatch VI has inplaceness problem with parent and child implementations
    4F5BAS9ZCompile error when loading VI containing PlugInDDO in an array
    4F7DAD41Use of Graph Property: Active Plot leaks memory
    4F8EAHSNCompound Arithmetic returns wrong result when the input coerces to I64
    4FCE49P2Installer builder loads slowly when includes build specifications with many items
    4FCFEB3AFlat type-cache corruption due to non-threadsafe operations
    4FE9S67NShared Clone does not keep default value
    4FF9P77NLeave SharedClone VI output floating crashes
    4FF2R30GCrash when passing a True to a subVI boolean with Latch Until Released action
    4FFFDF7UNumber To Fractional String uses incorrect precision with doubles
    4FI8N8BDProblems with instrument example VIs
    4FJ7R434LV 8.5 hardCodedFontNames tag is broken
    4FTCC85MShared Variable read of string constantly increases memory on RT target
    Recompiling VIs for Bug Fixes
    The following fixes in  8.5.1 require you to manually recompile the VIs to correct the problem. To force a recompile of a VI without recompiling its subVIs, -click the Run button. To force a recompile of all VIs in memory, --click the Run button. To force a recompile of the entire current VI hierarchy, close all VIs currently opened, open the top-level VI, and --click the Run button. This method will not recompile any of the VIs called dynamically in the hierarchy.
    You also can force recompile all VIs in a specified directory using the following steps. Note that you do not need to perform these steps for VIs installed with  8.5.1.
    • Use a standard text editor to open the .ini file located in the  directory.
    • Add massCompAll=True as a new line at the end of the file.
    • Save and close the .ini file.
    • Open .
    • Select Tools»Advanced»Mass Compile to display the Mass Compile dialog box.
    • Navigate to the desired directory and click the Current Folder button.
    • Click the Mass Compile button to force recompile all VIs in that directory.
    • Click the Done button to return to .
    • Once you finish the force recompile, reopen the .ini file.
    • Remove massCompAll=True from the file.
    • Save and close the .ini file.

    The following fixes require you to manually recompile the VIs to correct the problem.
    • 4CGE71PW: MathScript parser does not work if comments contain double quotes, degree symbols, or squared symbols
    • 4D6EI7XX: Calls To DB Tools Execute Query With Non-Forward-Only Cursor Fails in 8.5, Error 3005
    • 4D978ETQ:  freezes after sending a big string at a high rate using UDP
    • 4DGEJ5J1: SubVI produces no output unless "Allow Debugging" is enabled when set to subroutine priority
    • 4DHDH7B7: Disabling "Allow Debugging" causes problems with array data
    • 4E4ERDTP: Compiler Error in VI with compound arithmetic primitive taking array and float inputs
    • 4CUCQEAR: Significant slowdown in code exeuction when manipulating arrays
    • 4EBBLTET: Dwarn thrown during Mass Compile
    • 4C5BIJV6: Unexpected zero-iteration behavior with for loop with conditional terminal where auto-indexed output tunnels are getting non-empty arrays
    • 4C9G8M9Z: PlugInDDOMeth::GenCode generates incorrect unique control ID for VI running on VxWorks
    • 4CJFKTCS: Crash when running VI that uses Match Pattern and Feedback node
    • 4EB8KS9O: Error caused by Feedback node on Split/Search String in  8.5
    • 4DJ81ULJ:  8.5 crash when 985x SerialFlash Configuration VI is run
    • 4EBC79AG: Error when feedback node handles subarray types
    • 4ETEL4V2: Inplaceness bug when concatenating to a string in LVClass' private data cluster
    • 4F48EUU4: Dynamic Dispatch VI has inplaceness problem with parent and child implementations
    • 4EB7N9NK: TCP Write with a constant connection ID compiler error
    • 4F8EAHSN: Compound Arithmetic returns wrong result when the input coerces to I64
    • 4FFFDF7U: Number To Fractional String uses incorrect precision with doubles

    © 2003–2008 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation.
    National Instruments, NI, ni.com, and  are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Terms of Use section on ni.com/legal for more information about National Instruments trademarks.
    Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
    For patents covering the National Instruments products, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your CD, or ni.com/patents.

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