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[LabVIEW] NI LabVIEW2009SP1 X86WinCHI LV2009SP1中文32位版下载

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    NI LabVIEW2009SP1 Win32Chn LV2009SP1中文32位版下载

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    LV2009SP1CHI.txt (405 Bytes, 下载次数: 53, 售价: 10 元)

    LabVIEW 2009 Service Pack 1自述文件(仅适用于Windows)
    本文件介绍关于Windows平台上的LabVIEW 2009 Service Pack 1 (SP1)的最新重要信息,包括安装和升级、兼容问题、部分已修正问题的列表、基于LabVIEW 2009的改动,以及LabVIEW问题记录的网页链接。 关于升级和兼容信息,以及LabVIEW 2009新功能和相关服务包的完整列表,见LabVIEW 升级说明。 关于安装说明和系统要求的完整列表,见LabVIEW发行说明。 安装LabVIEW后,上述文档位于labview\manuals目录。 也可通过ni.com访问LabVIEW发行说明和LabVIEW升级说明。
    关于LabVIEW 2009 SP1的最新信息,请访问NI网站。
    安装LabVIEW 2009 SP1
    LabVIEW 2009 SP1 (64位)
    安装LabVIEW 2009 SP1
    如已安装LabVIEW 2009,无需卸载LabVIEW 2009即可安装LabVIEW 2009 SP1。注: 用户无法同时安装LabVIEW 2009 SP1和LabVIEW 2009,前者会覆盖后者。
    如尚未安装LabVIEW 2009,无需安装LabVIEW 2009即可安装LabVIEW 2009 SP1。
    关于在Windows平台上安装LabVIEW的更多信息,见LabVIEW 发行说明
    如计算机上已经安装其它语言版本的LabVIEW 2009 SP1,安装新的语言版本前必须卸载现有语言版本。
    LabVIEW采用许可证激活机制。 运行LabVIEW之前,必须使用合法的LabVIEW许可证进行激活。 可使用安装包中的序列号激活许可证。 如升级LabVIEW 2009至LabVIEW 2009 SP1,可使用已有的LabVIEW 2009序列号。
    您可在线查看软件和文档的问题记录。 关于LabVIEW 2009和相关服务包问题记录的最新列表,请访问NI网站。
    Windows 7相关问题
    NI始终致力于兼容微软Windows技术。 NI已注意到Windows 7相关问题的重要性。如需了解Windows 7对NI产品的影响,请访问ni.com/info输入信息代码windows7查询。
    LabVIEW 2009 SP1 (64位)
    LabVIEW开发系统(64位)包含LabVIEW 2009 SP1。 在Windows Vista(64位)上运行时,LabVIEW 2009 SP1 (64位)可访问的内存比32位操作系统和32位应用程序更多。 LabVIEW 2009 SP1 (64位)具有几乎全部LabVIEW 2009 SP1(32位)开发环境的功能(包括LabVIEW应用程序生成器)。
    关于获取LabVIEW 2009 SP1 (64位)的更多信息,请访问NI网站。
    LabVIEW 2009 SP1 (64位)支持多种硬件设备。 DAQ设备、VISA设备、GPIB设备和图像采集设备均有可用的驱动程序。 对于GPIB设备,驱动程序必须为用于Windows平台的NI-488.2 2.6或更高版本。 关于LabVIEW 2009 SP1 (64位)兼容性的更多信息,见相关硬件的说明文档。
    LabVIEW 2009 SP1 (64位)仅支持NI Vision开发模块。 如需更多信息,请查阅Vision开发模块的说明文档。 LabVIEW 2009 SP1 (64位)不支持其它附加软件。
    • LabVIEW 2009 SP1支持Windows Server 2003 R2(32位)和Windows Server 2008 R2(64位)。 LabVIEW不支持除Windows Server 2008 R2以外的版本。
    • 打开VI片断文件(.png)时,LabVIEW 2009 SP1可在图像的右上角显示保存VI片断的LabVIEW版本。 如需使用VI片断中的代码,LabVIEW的版本必须与保存VI片断的LabVIEW版本一致或更高。
    • 可配置LabVIEW 2009 SP1打开探针所在窗口,同时在探针监视窗口打开探针。 关于打开单个探针窗口的更多信息,请登录ni.com查阅知识库。
    • 在LabVIEW 8.6.x或前期版本中,自定义错误代码的范围为–8999至–8000和5000至9999。在LabVIEW 2009和相关服务包中,自定义错误代码的范围为500000至599999。
    • LabVIEW 2009和相关服务包包含对以下VI的更改:
      • “广义多项式拟合”VI和“广义线性拟合”VI的均方差输入端更改为残差。 “广义线性拟合”VI的协方差选择器输入端表明VI是否计算协方差矩阵。
      • “广义多项式拟合”VI的算法输入端由32位无符号枚举型数据更改为16位无符号数值数据。
      • “贝塞尔滤波器(逐点)”VI、“Butterworth滤波器(逐点)”VI、“Chebyshev滤波器(逐点)”VI、“椭圆滤波器(逐点)”VI和“反Chebyshev滤波器(逐点)”VI的滤波器类型输入端由16位无符号枚举型数据更改为32位无符号数值数据。
      • “获取键名”VI的引用句柄输入端、“获取段名”VI的引用句柄输入端和“非法配置数据引用句柄”VI的引用句柄输入端为必需输入端。
      • “获取LV类默认值”VI的路径输入端更改为类路径输入端。
      • “获取LV类默认值”VI的类数据输入端更改为对象输入端。
      • “获取LV类默认值”VI的LV对象输入端更改为对象输入端。
    • LabVIEW 2009和相关服务包包含对以下VI的更改:
      • “指数拟合”VI包含一个新增输入端和一个更改输入端。 LabVIEW前期版本中的VI已替换为函数选板上具有新功能的“指数拟合”VI。
      • 在LabVIEW 2009或更高版本中,“高斯曲线拟合”VI包含两个新增输入端。 LabVIEW前期版本中的VI已替换为函数选板上具有新功能的“高斯曲线拟合”VI。
      • “打开配置数据”VI包含一个新增输入端。 LabVIEW前期版本中的VI已替换为函数选板上具有新功能的“打开配置数据”VI。
    • 饼图和条形图中的添加删除上移下移按钮已禁用。
    • 在LabVIEW 8.6或前期版本中,通过用户区域设置确定字体脚本。 在LabVIEW 2009和相关服务包中,通过系统区域设置确定字体脚本。 如需更改系统区域设置,可打开Windows中的控制面板,双击区域和语言选项,单击区域和语言选项对话框中的高级选项卡,在下拉菜单中选择LabVIEW显示编码对应的语言。 选择语言后,必须重启系统。
    下表为LabVIEW 2009和LabVIEW 2009 SP1中部分已修正问题的编号和标题。 该表并未包含当前版本LabVIEW中已修正的全部问题。 通过CAR的编号可查询已修正的问题。 关于LabVIEW 2009中已修正问题的列表,请访问NI网站。
    IDLegacy IDFixed Issue
    932964FSGQ6C4Terminal information is not being passed correctly
    122321-Mixed Signal Graph does not resize plot legend when in executable
    145796-Choose implementation dialog does not bring-to-front VIs which are already open but hidden
    158487-Application Builder errors when building file with a slash in the file name
    160585-Error message when path is too long in building an application
    162215-Cannot change RT FIFO from multiple variable editor
    171913-3D Graph Surface Plot Color Matrix Yields Colorless Surface
    173068-Error when trying to drop things from the HTML help
    174619-Open and Closing VIs with variables leak about 50-200 KB of memory
    175643-Deployment dialog display on built application
    175788-Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) could not be launched from LabVIEW on Windows 2000
    175997-3D Comet Plot does not show the animation and static plot in application with default build settings
    176266-Plot of Waveform Graph cannot be renamed in property page if input terminal is wired
    176379-Crash when fixed point number is wired to a case structure
    176597-Get/Set Control Value and Run VI Methods fail when used with a strict VI reference to a reentrant VI
    176834-Inserting a feedback node on a wire drops corrupted feed forward node
    176860-Terminals property of feedback node doesn't include the enable terminal
    177230-Weather Monitor example readme file is corrupted for French
    177239-LabVIEW crashes when a VI tries to deploy its parent library programmatically
    178232-Block Diagram Clean Up may break VI when cleaning up large VIs
    178234-Data Value References wires do not coerce
    178313-VI hierarchy shows tip strip with old (library-qualified) name when VI is removed from the library
    178614-Type defined constant can lose value when updating to edited typedef if feedback node also on diagram
    179002-Changing variable container property node causes LabVIEW to crash
    179140-LabVIEW hangs when trying to restoring the topmost windows
    179375-LabVIEW crashes when using "To Variant" with Single Process variable
    179472-The Write to Measurement File Express VI cannot be set to "Save to series of files"
    179677-Dependency conflicts for internal VIs in stored in vi.lib may appear when upgrading projects
    179711-Web Service palette VI reads incorrectly
    179854-Invalid variable configuration when opening variable properties
    180451-Application builder UI hangs
    181098-Call Library Node with unwired Error Out no longer puts up error dialog
    181478-A class dynamically loaded into a running framework which statically loads its own child may not reserve the child's VIs correctly
    181495-Nested parallel FOR loops are not completely parallel
    182053-Custom About screen not displayed with a LabVIEW built application
    182414-Memory leak when probing an error cluster in a while loop
    182420-LabVIEW hangs when using highlight execution with more that 17 I/O Variables
    182771-Open VI Reference using strictly typed constant results in 1031 error
    182831-LLBs are not detected in project when located in auto-populating folders
    182844-Tab Controls don't save Default Visible Tab
    182865-VI Crashes on load if Call by Reference Node Statically Configured to a VI and has a Reference Out wired
    182961-New value node in timeout event structure
    182990-LabVIEW crashes when changing shared variable property
    183005-Save for Previous to 8.5 or older will crash if VI contains an event structure
    183239-LabVIEW crashes when adding a folder to project
    183560-Graph does not display timestamps on X-axis as expected when using timestamp data type
    183837-Type uintptr_t * cannot be built into a shared library (DLL)
    183972-Conflict message when main VI in project opens
    184040-Not a refnum constant wired to a mouse down event causes compile error
    184077-LabVIEW Load Error Code 3: Could Not Load Front Panel When Opening a VI in the Development Environment
    184463-Open VI Reference cannot recognize type when upgraded to LabVIEW 2009
    184557-User defined refnums are improperly grouped
    185219-Error 1502 while building a LabVIEW application
    185348-VIs with large data types (like the Enum) will crash on load after being saved in LabVIEW 2009
    185812-Crash when saving for previous version
    185867-Aggregate comparator causes LabVIEW to crash
    185980-Editing An Event Structure With A String Event Might Crash Localized Versions Of LabVIEW 2009
    186211-LabVIEW crashes when saving for previous version
    186276-Certain references (NI SoftMotion, WSN...) may incorrectly refer to data associated with a different reference
    186392-Cannot Save sparse rings with unit labels in LabVIEW 2009
    186404-Default values lost when upgrading from LabVIEW 7.1
    186418-Image Display control does not update using Value property node in a LabVIEW built application
    186602-Application Builder uses too much memory, which may result in build failures
    187349-Subtract output is wrong when coercing values to I64 or U64
    187427-Open and Close VI Reference take very long time when large project opened
    187457-Visible VI options in Web Server options of LabVIEW disabled.
    187493-Wrong behavior for some VIs in XML.lvlib
    187670-LabVIEW leaks memory when certain VIs in the NI_AALPro.lvlib are called using VI Server
    187759-Cannot launch LabVIEW 2009 when using Microsoft Mandatory User Profiles
    188140-Parallel port examples unusable in localized environment
    188425-.mnu files with same name conflict even if they have different namespaces.
    188669-Datalog Files Created in LabVIEW 2009 Cannot Be Opened in LabVIEW 8.6.x
    189527-LabVIEW crashes when using some ProjectIems property
    189548-LabVIEW Interop assembly cannot use cluster arrays properly
    189649-LabVIEW crashes when Open Application Reference uses IP Address and Open VI reference has empty path input
    189820-Clicking the ReadMe link from the autorun installation dialog will fail to open the html file in Internet Explorer 8
    190472-Opening large project crashes LabVIEW
    190703-LabVIEW can leak memory when the Extract Single Tone Information 1 Chan.vi is called using VI Server
    190704-LabVIEW Configuration File VIs leak memory when called using VI Server
    190705-LabVIEW can leak memory when the Error Cluster From Error Code.vi is called using VI Server
    190758-LabVIEW can leak memory when repeatedly opening a VI reference
    191404-LabVIEW fails to compile if decimate 1D array.vi is used with string arrays
    191413-gemv - General Matrix - Vector Product.vi in LabVIEW 2009 Produces incorrect result when run within a loop
    191814-Crash when loading LabVIEW runtime from NI TestStand
    191830-Not all probes work if multiple windows are open
    192167-Using Cast Unit Bases and Convert Unit VI with Array Subset VI gives compile error
    192480-Digital Graph legend does not scale properly
    192579-LabVIEW 7.1 Storage VIs can no longer overwrite TDM file bulk data after installation of LabVIEW 2009
    192667-Common subexpression elimination combines fixed-point arithmetic incorrectly in VIs with debugging disabled
    194522-Digital Waveform with empty data can crash LabVIEW
    195627-Information returned from a subVI is not consistent in LabVIEW 2009
    • 179375-“转换为变体”函数用于单进程变量时可导致LabVIEW崩溃
    • 181098-未连接错误输出的“调用库函数节点”不显示错误对话框
    • 184557-用户定义引用句柄未正确分组
    • 186276-特定引用(NI SoftMotion, WSN...)可引用与其它引用关联的数据
    • 187349-强制转换数据类型为I64或U64的值可导致“减”函数输出错误。
    • 190703-通过VI服务器调用“提取单频信息(1通道)”VI时可导致内存溢出
    • 190704-通过VI服务器调用LabVIEW的配置文件VI可导致内存溢出
    • 190705-通过VI服务器调用“错误代码至错误簇转换”VI时可导致LabVIEW发生内存溢出
    • 190758-重复打开VI引用可导致LabVIEW发生内存溢出
    • 191404—“抽取一维数组”VI用于字符串数组时可导致LabVIEW无法编译
    • 192667-在禁用调试的VI中,包含定点运算的公共子表达式消去不正确
    • 195627-子VI返回的信息不一致
    键,单击运行按钮,可在重新编译VI时避免编译子VI。 按-键,单击运行按钮,可重新编译内存中所有的VI。 如需对当前VI的整个层次结构进行重新编译,可关闭当前所有打开的VI,然后打开顶层VI,按-键,单击运行按钮。 该方法不会对层次结构中动态调用的VI进行重新编译。
    • 打开LabVIEW。
    • 选择工具»高级»批量编译可显示批量编译对话框。
    • 浏览至目标路径,单击当前文件夹按钮。
    • 单击批量编译按钮,对目录中的所有VI进行强制重新编译。
    • 单击完成按钮,返回LabVIEW。

    © 2004–2009 National Instruments Corporation. 版权所有。
    National Instruments、NI、ni.comLabVIEW、DIAdem和NI TestStand为National Instruments Corporation的商标。 关于NI公司商标的详细信息,见ni.com/legal上的Terms of Use部分。
    关于NI产品和技术的专利权,请查看软件中的帮助»专利信息,光盘中的patents.txt文件,或者ni.com/patents上的National Instruments Patent Notice。

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    2020-3-1 18:20
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