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[LabVIEW] NI LabVIEW 2012 Win32Chn 32位LV2012中文版下载

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    发表于 2012-11-24 10:47:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自:广东省东莞市 电信


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    Windows系统下(Linux和MAC系统下请自行了解清楚)NI的各种软件、模块、工具包、驱动程序,使用NI许可证管理器来激活的,绝大部分的都可以使用NI Lincense Activator来激活:NI序列号Serial Number生成激活工具NI License Activator,LabVIEW/VBAI/VDM/VAS等软件模块工具包破解工具不限版本http://visionbbs.com/thread-490-1-1.html


    NI LabVIEW 2012 Win32Chn 32位LV2012中文版下载

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    LV2012CHN.txt (401 Bytes, 下载次数: 71, 售价: 10 元)

    LabVIEW 2012自述文件(仅适用于Windows)
    本文件包含Windows版LabVIEW 2012的重要信息,包括对操作系统的要求、安装指南、LabVIEW 2012已修复的部分问题列表,以及LabVIEW的已知问题。
    关于LabVIEW 2012的最新信息,请访问NI网站。
    LabVIEW 2012(64位)

    处理器Pentium III/Celeron 866 MHz或同等处理器Pentium 4M或同等处理器
    RAM256 MB1 GB
    屏幕分辨率1024 x 768像素1024 x 768像素
    操作系统Windows 7/Vista(32位和64位)
    Windows XP SP3(32位)
    Windows Server 2003 R2(32位)
    Windows Server 2008 R2(64位)
    Windows 7/Vista(32位和64位)
    Windows XP SP3(32位)
    Windows Server 2003 R2(32位)
    Windows Server 2008 R2(64位)
    磁盘空间353 MB3.67 GB(包括NI设备驱动程序DVD中的默认驱动程序)
    Adobe ReaderN/A如需搜索PDF格式的LabVIEW用户手册,必须安装Adobe Reader。
    注  在Windows上使用LabVIEW存在下列限制:
    • LabVIEW不支持Windows 2000/NT/Me/98/95以及Windows XP x64。
    • Windows的Guest账户不能访问LabVIEW。
    • LabVIEW 安装指南—LabVIEW、模块和工具包、驱动程序,以及硬件的安装方法。
    • LabVIEW升级说明—在保留原有VI和项目的基础上,安装LabVIEW新版本的方法、升级和兼容性问题,以及LabVIEW 2012新增功能的完整列表。
    注  如您购买的是NI软件套件或产品组合,使用收到的光盘即可安装产品。
    您可通过网络查看软件和文档的已知问题记录。关于LabVIEW 2012已知问题记录的最新列表,请访问NI网站。
    LabVIEW 2012(64位)
    在64位Windows上运行时,LabVIEW 2012(64位)可访问的内存比32位操作系统和32位应用程序更多。LabVIEW 2012(64位)具备LabVIEW 2012(32位)几乎全部的开发功能。
    关于获取LabVIEW 2012(64位)的详细信息,请访问NI网站。
    LabVIEW 2012(64位)支持多种硬件设备。关于LabVIEW 2012(64位)的驱动程序兼容信息,请访问NI网站。对于GPIB设备,驱动程序必须是用于Windows平台的NI-488.2 2.6或更高版本。关于硬件设备与LabVIEW 2012(64位)兼容性的详细信息,请参考具体硬件的说明文档。
    LabVIEW 2012(64位)仅支持NI Vision开发模块。如需更多信息,请参考Vision开发模块的说明文档。无其他模块支持LabVIEW 2012(64位)。
    • LabVIEW 2012可能对不同的机器采用不同的编译器优化策略,用户可能需要通过额外的步骤对LabVIEW进行设置,确保不同机器上生成的应用程序包含相同的二进制代码。关于LabVIEW 2012中复写代码的更多信息,请访问NI网站。
    下表是LabVIEW 2012中已修正的问题和问题编号。该表列出的已修正问题未涵盖LabVIEW当前版本中所有已修正问题。通过ID可查询已修正的问题。
    IDFixed Issue
    100634.NET Calendar Control is not sized properly
    124146Re-initialize to default not working on Picture Control
    156274Changes to Type Def Reference to a Tab Control doesn't update other instances
    167056Wiring cluster of fixed point values to waveform chart causes a broken arrow
    182407Remote Debugging crashes with an application that uses MathScript
    185059Member VIs of a class that is a member of a project library have a red X on them in the palettes
    186525'visarc' file included in source distribution even when excluding vi.lib
    187412Custom RTM will incorrectly link to the source location when built into an executable
    190778Huge array causes long save time and run time on LabVIEW 64-bit
    190887XY Plot Legend Shifts Right On Front Panel When Repeatedly Redrawn
    209168VI Server method "Application:Library.Open" returns wrong library if library is unsaved
    214475Cannot zoom in render window of 3D graph
    219940Cannot use Sort 1D Array with an array of clusters containing LabVIEW Classes
    236868Pane Size Event Does not generate final event as documented
    258465Pre-Build Action VI Not brought to front when Source Distribution is Built from Properties Window
    280810Giving Simulation VI class terminals that are dynamic dispatch results in LabVIEW compiler fault
    283709Logos Sockets should broadcast on all available NICs
    285210Read from Measurement File Express VI can read incorrect data
    294478Applications built from VIs that include Damemoji AKA stressed characters in the file name do not work.
    297201Time Critical priority VI shouldn't compile if it contains a Timed Loop
    298656Import Web Services does not support external type definition (external schema)
    299162Saving for previous with missing DLL crashes LabVIEW
    300592LabVIEW built executable with network streams won't exit process
    300864Unexpected broken wires when graphing coerced CDB arrays
    302673Programmatically changing y-axis parameters on a waveform chart or graph causes the plot to shrink horizontally.
    302888Sine Pattern VI behaves incorrectly for certain inputs
    302922Unexpected inputs can permanently corrupt a 3D graph instance.
    310813EXE/RTEXE and PPL have load time issues when statechart is embedded inside
    311293Not A Reference does not work with FTP References
    311294FTP Close Session.vi will not unregister a session if server is unresponsive
    311617Undoing block diagram cleanup in VI with Control & Simulation Loop and subsystem crashes LabVIEW
    312531When class specific VIs are used in a project, the VI Metrics Tool does not include them in the VIs it analyzes.
    313044Long Delays when editing VIs with LabVIEW object-oriented programming property nodes
    313186Long lines in 2D Picture are drawn to the wrong end points.
    313610NI LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office 2011: broken Excel Active X methods
    315798TCP Write Stream generates add extra characters to TDMS files during FTP transfer
    316099Project load time can be affected by large .lvlps file
    317005Several Express VIs become broken when placed on Block Diagram after Spectral Measurement VI.
    318065"Find" options within context menu for implicitly linked property/invoke nodes missing when original control is a typedef
    318415Error reading LVM file "Incorrect file type"
    321650LabVIEW crashes when changing event registration refnum constant to control.
    323425Build failures caused by inlined VIs in a PPL
    325201Front Panel Indicators to Fail to Update Correctly When EXE is Loaded in Bad State
    327431Import WebService Tool doesn't work for HTTPS protocol
    327926Calling Variable Property Node in a Loop leaks memory
    329925Continuous Sound Input.vi example unresponsive after pause execution
    331216Rare Crash on VI Compile
    332247To Long Integer produces incorrect result for a SGL input of 2^31
    333279Calling the System Exec VI after calling the Pipe VI in LabVIEW for Linux will Hang LabVIEW.
    333651Converting a PSP variable to a variant, then a string and back, causes the conversion back to PSP variable to fail
    335523Creating a reference for a control that is a typedef is not retaining the typedef properties of the refnum type
    338840Shortcut Menu Activation Interferes with Independent Autoscale Y Settings in Waveform Chart or Graph with Multiple Plots
    344940Copying data in custom probe can crash LabVIEW
    346352"Explore" button on Application Builder build progress dialog doesn't close the dialog
    346819Incorrect result when calling a non-reentrant VI by a pre-allocated VI
    347785General Linear Fit (Bi-Square) VI does not return weight out
    大多数NI产品都可通过命令行自动安装,通过设置命令行参数完成安装程序用户界面或对话框的设置。不过从2012年8月发行的版本(NI Installers 3.1或更高版本)开始,实现无人值守的NI软件安装时需要作一些额外的设置。
    如待安装的NI产品依赖于Microsoft .NET 4.0,则在启动NI软件安装之前,.NET安装程序会首先启动并在完成后提示重启。如需避免上述情况,可在安装NI软件之前单独安装.NET 4.0。
    • 关于在无人值守的情况下,单独安装NI产品的更多信息,见知识库文章4CJDP38M,Automating the Installation of a Single Installer。
    • 关于在无人值守的情况下,安装NI Developer Suite之类产品套件的更多信息,见知识库文章4GGGDQH0,Automating the Installation of a Single Installer。
    • 如需确定当前产品NI Installer的版本,见知识库文章4CJDR18M,How Can I Determine the Type and Version of My National Instruments Installer?。

    © 2004–© 2012 National Instruments.版权所有。
    根据版权法,未经National Instruments公司事先书面同意,本发行物不得以任何形式(包括电子或机械形式)进行全部或部分复制或传播,包括影印、录制、储存于任何信息检索系统中,或翻译。
    National Instruments公司尊重他方的知识产权,也恳请用户能给予我们同样的尊重。NI软件受版权法及其他知识产权法的保护。在将NI软件用于复制为他方所有的软件或其它资料的任何场合,NI软件仅可用于在符合许可证或其他法律限制的情况下复制上述资料。
    • 目录下有法律声明。
    • \Shared\MDF\Legal\license目录下有最终用户许可协议。
    • 如需使NI产品生成的安装程序中包含法律相关信息,请参考\_Legal Information.txt。
    LabVIEW、National Instruments、NI、ni.com和National Instruments为National Instruments Corporation的注册商标。关于其他National Instruments商标的详细信息见ni.com/trademarks的Trademark Information部分。
    关于NI产品和技术的专利权,请查看软件中的帮助»专利信息,光盘中的patents.txt文件,或ni.com/patents上的National Instruments Patent Notice。

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    发表于 2012-11-27 11:30:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自:湖南省常德市 湖南文理学院
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