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[LV工具模块] LabVIEW 7.0 Internet Toolkit 6.0.1 Win32Eng LabVIEW7.0网络工具包6.0.1下载

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    LabVIEW 7.0 Internet Toolkit 6.0.1 Win32Eng LabVIEW7.0网络工具包6.0.1下载


    文件大小: 52404533 字节 (49.98 MB)
    修改日期: 2008-07-02 02:04
    MD5: bd2f46fdaaec3dcb8bcaa492390374fe
    SHA1: 6894c8132edf4046d7772061236e60191d33614a
    SHA256: dfce5a3e5bf6d4fea139a0062de9fdddb465cf698734f121bcf5e9b41571cb39
    CRC32: 1bd3bf4f

    LVITK6.0.1.txt (478 Bytes, 下载次数: 0, 售价: 10 元)

    LabVIEW Internet Toolkit 6.0.1 Readme
    August 2007
    This file contains important last-minute information about the LabVIEW Internet Toolkit 6.0.1, including installation issues.
    Refer to the National Instruments Web site for the latest information about the LabVIEW Internet Toolkit. Refer to the LabVIEW Help and the LabVIEW Internet Toolkit User Guide for more information about using the Internet Toolkit.
    Upgrading from Version 6.0
    Documentation Corrections
    Compatibility Libraries
    Bug Fixes
    Xerces License
    Before installing the LabVIEW Internet Toolkit 6.0.1, uninstall any previous versions of the Internet Toolkit from the computer.
    Note  Some virus detection programs interfere with the installer. Disable any automatic virus detection programs before you install. After installation, check your computer for viruses and enable any virus detection programs you disabled.
    Complete the following steps to install the LabVIEW Internet Toolkit 6.0.1 for Windows.
    • (Windows XP/2000) Log on as an administrator or as a user with administrator privileges.
    • Insert the LabVIEW Internet Toolkit 6.0.1 installation CD and follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
    Note  To modify the current installation or to uninstall the toolkit, select National Instruments Software in the Add or Remove Programs applet in the Control Panel. When you modify the installation, a list of National Instruments software appears. Select a product in the list to add or remove individual components or to uninstall the product. You also can remove multiple products by pressing the or key to select multiple products in the list and clicking the Remove button to remove all the products you selected.
    Mac OS X
    Complete the following steps to install the LabVIEW Internet Toolkit 6.0.1 for Mac OS X.
    Note  Some virus detection programs interfere with the installer. Disable any automatic virus detection programs before you install. After installation, check your computer for viruses and enable any virus detection programs you disabled.
    • Insert the LabVIEW Internet Toolkit 6.0.1 installation CD.
    • Run the LabVIEW Internet Toolkit 6.0.1 installer program.
    • Follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
      Note  On the Select Destination page, the default folder is the National Instruments folder. You must navigate to the appropriate folder for the version of LabVIEW to which you are installing the toolkit.
    Complete the following steps to install the LabVIEW Internet Toolkit 6.0.1 for Linux.
    • Log into the system as root.
    • Use mount /mnt/cdrom to mount the CD. On some systems, the CD is mounted automatically.
    • Enter the following command to navigate to the LabVIEW directory:
      cd /usr/local/labview
      where labview is the version of LabVIEW to which you are installing the toolkit, for example lv70.
    • Enter the following command to extract the toolkit to the LabVIEW folder:
      tar xf /mnt/cdrom/Linux/InternetToolkitLinux.tar
    • Enter the following command to navigate to the Example Finder directory:
      cd /usr/local/natinst/share/example finder/1.0/Products/labview/x.y/exbins/english
      where x.y is the version of LabVIEW to which you are installing the toolkit, for example 7.1.
    • Enter the following command to copy the toolkit example information into Example Finder.
      cp /mnt/cdrom/Linux/lvexint.bin3 .
    If you are using LabVIEW 7.0 complete the following steps:
    • Enter the following command to navigate to the Example Finder directory:
      cd /usr/local/natinst/share/example finder/1.0
    • Enter the following command to extract the Example Finder files:
      tar xf /mnt/cdrom/Linux/InternetToolkitExFndrLinux.tar
    • Enter the following command to navigate to the objmgr directory:
      cd /usr/local/lv70/resource/objmgr
    • Enter the following command to replace the existing DOMUserDefRef.rch file:
      cp /mnt/cdrom/Linux/DOMUserDefRef.rch .
    Upgrading from Version 6.0
    The LabVIEW Internet Toolkit version 6.0.1 contains the following changes from version 6.0:
    • The LabVIEW Internet Toolkit fixes several issues with memory leaks. Refer to the Bug Fixes list section of this document for more information about the memory leaks fixed.
    • Xerces 2.2 is replaced with Xerces 2.7.
    • The LabVIEW Internet Toolkit 6.0.1 does not support Sun Solaris.
    • The LabVIEW Internet Toolkit 6.0.1 does not support Windows NT.
    Documentation Corrections
    The documentation for the LabVIEW Internet Toolkit is not updated for 6.0.1. Therefore, the content in the LabVIEW Help and the LabVIEW Internet Toolkit User Guide does not reflect changes made in the LabVIEW Internet Toolkit 6.0.1.
    Because Xerces 2.2 has been updated to 2.7, all references in the LabVIEW Help and the LabVIEW Internet Toolkit User Guide to xerces-c_2_2_0.dll should be xerces-c_2_7_0.dll.
    Compatibility Libraries
    The SMTP E-mail VIs from previous versions of the LabVIEW Internet Toolkit now are located on the Functions palette in the Full and Professional Development Systems of LabVIEW 7.0 and later. The filenames for these VIs changed slightly. The LabVIEW Internet Toolkit 6.0.1 includes compatibility libraries that automatically replace the LabVIEW 5.0 VIs with the LabVIEW 7.0 VIs when you open a VI that contains an earlier version of the SMTP E-mail VIs.
    Bug Fixes
    The following items are changes from the LabVIEW Internet Toolkit 6.0 to the LabVIEW Internet Toolkit 6.0.1.
    Bug IDFixed Issue
    36103LCEFixed an issue where the XML parser could not open files with a Chinese character path name.
    3C2DJJCEFixed an issue where memory leaks occur when using the Load File method of the XML_Document class.
    3WO7CDTOFixed an issue where memory leaks occur when using the DOM Parser VIs.
    3SK6RQKUFixed an issue where memory leaks occur when using the Write Test Data File VI example.
    45TH1EV6Fixed an issue where some VIs in the LabVIEW Internet Toolkit did not work on Mac computers with Intel processors.
    36PFMIUFFixed an issue where the XML Find First Non-TextNode Child VI and the XML Find First Non-TextNode Sibling VI return incorrect results if an error occurs.
    Xerces License
    This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org).
    The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must include the following acknowledgment:
    "This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org)."
    Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear.
    Please consult Xerces License.txt for more information.

    © 2007 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation.
    National Instruments, NI, ni.com, and LabVIEW are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Terms of Use section on ni.com/legal for more information about National Instruments trademarks.

    For patents covering the National Instruments products, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your CD, or ni.com/patents.


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