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[NI驱动程序] NI-DMM 2.0 Driver Win32/64Eng NI数字万用表驱动程序2.0下载

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    Windows系统下(Linux和MAC系统下请自行了解清楚)NI的各种软件、模块、工具包、驱动程序,使用NI许可证管理器来激活的,绝大部分的都可以使用NI Lincense Activator来激活:NI序列号Serial Number生成激活工具NI License Activator,LabVIEW/VBAI/VDM/VAS等软件模块工具包破解工具不限版本http://visionbbs.com/thread-490-1-1.html


    NI-DMM 2.0 Driver Win32/64Eng NI数字万用表驱动程序2.0下载


    文件大小: 30302208 字节 (28.90 MB)
    修改日期: 2010-04-25 03:21
    MD5: 10c2b1ae3ccd2aa43ea1850eaa760730(官方正确)
    SHA1: 58229526438e25de9c3f58e552d5a46bafb9300d
    SHA256: 4b04206c31fe32fd312db1fc6b6be97aa5360886221d6a17862bd220f5dd042d
    CRC32: b81d6bde

    DMM2.0.txt (562 Bytes, 下载次数: 0, 售价: 10 元)

    NI-DMM 2.0 Readme File
    Trademarks: National Instruments, ni.com, and PXI are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.

    NI-DMM 2.0 supports the following DMMs:
    • NI PXI-4070
    • NI PXI-4060
    • NI PCI-4060
    • NI PCMCIA-4050
    Known Issues
    The NI-DMM 2.0 Web installation requires the following Software Components, which can be downloaded from http://www.ni.com:
    • NI-DAQ version 6.9.3 or higher.
    • NI-VISA or NI-VISA Run-Time Engine version 2.6.0 or higher.
    • IVI Engine 1.83 or higher.
    • LabVIEW 6.1 Run-Time Engine.
    Installed Software Components and Locations
    For Windows 2000/NT/XP/Me/98, complete the following:
    • Open the Control Panel from the StartSettingsControl Panel Menu and select AddRemove Programs.
    • Select NI-DMM 2.0 from the list provided and click AddRemove.
    New Examples
    A complete example list is available in the NI Digital Multimeters Help.
    The NI digital multimeters documentation set changed from 1.6 to 2.0. All documentation is available at Start» Programs»National Instruments»NI-DMM»Documentation. The new documentation set is composed of the following documents:
    NI-DMM 2.0 Readme FileNI Digital Multimeters User Guide
    Printed and PDF format. Includes safety, hardware & software installation, configuration in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX), and wiring for common measurements information.
    NI Digital Multimeters Help
    HTML help format. Inlcudes DMM fundamentals, device overviews, programming information, tutorials, and VI and CVI/C++/VB function references.
    NI-DMM Instrument Driver Quick Reference Guide
    Printed and PDF format. Lists the VIs/Functions, the parameters, and the parameter types available with NI-DMM 2.0.
    NI 4050 SpecificationsNI 4060 SpecificationsNI 4070 SpecificationsNew Functions/VIs
    The following items were introduced in NI-DMM 2.0:
    niDMM_ConfigureFrequencyVoltageRangeSets the frequency voltage range. (NI 4070 only)
    niDMM_ConfigureCurrentSourceConfigures the current source for diode measurements. (NI 4070 only)
    niDMM_ConfigureOffsetCompOhmsEnables offset compensated ohms for resistance measurements. (NI 4070 only)
    niDMM_ConfigureADCCalibrationEnables ADC calibration. (NI 4070 only)
    niDMM_GetApertureTimeInfoReturns the aperture time in seconds or powerline cycles.
    niDMM_ClearErrorReplaces the niDMM_ClearErrorInfo function.
    niDMM_GetErrorReplaces the niDMM_GetErrorInfo function.
    niDMM_SelfCalPerforms self calibration routines. (NI 4070 only)
    niDMM_GetCalDateAndTimeReturns the date and time of the last self calibration. (NI 4070 only)
    niDMM_GetCalCountReturns the number of times the DMM has been calibrated (external or self calibration). (for NI 4070 only)
    niDMM_LastCalTempReturns the temperature used for the last self calibration. (NI 4070 only)
    niDMM_GetDevTempReturns the current internal temperature of the DMM. (NI 4070 only)
    Obsolete Functions/VIs
    The following functions are considered obsolete in NI-DMM 2.0:
    Note: The listed functions are obsolete and are replaced by new ones as described below. However, NI-DMM 2.0 still supports the use of obsolete functions, which means that you can run programs containing these functions. We suggest, however, that your future development should use the new model as obsolete functions will not be supported in versions of NI-DMM beyond 2.0. Obsolete functions are not supported by the NI 4070. No maintenance will be supported for these functions.
    niDMM Calculate Accuracy.vi
    niDMM Configure Auto Zero Mode.vi (LabVIEW only)niDMM Configure Auto Zero.vi
    Changes/Fixes in NI-DMM 2.0 from 1.6The NI PCI-4060 supports Sample Trigger set to SoftwareInteraction problems with TestStand have been resolved.The DMM-SFP (soft front panel) supports device numbers greater than 15.Application examples were removed from the NI-DMM palette and are located at instr.libNIDMM
    idmm_apps.llb.Trigger Delay parameter can be set to Auto Delay OFF (-2)Range parameter can be set to AutoRange OFF (-2)

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