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[LV工具模块] LabVIEW Sound and Vibration Analysis 4.0 LabVIEW声音和振动工具包4.0下载

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    LabVIEW Sound and Vibration Analysis 4.0 LabVIEW声音和振动工具包4.0下载 适用LabVIEW7.1版



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    SV4.0.txt (445 Bytes, 下载次数: 1, 售价: 20 元)

    NI LabVIEW Sound and Vibration Toolkit ReadmeVersion 4.0
    August 2005
    This file contains information to introduce you to the NI LabVIEW Sound and Vibration Toolkit 4.0. This file also provides you with help resources you can use while working with the toolkit. The file contains the following information that you need to understand.
    New Features
    System Requirements
    Installation Instructions
    Uninstallation Instructions
    Redistributing Executable Sound and Vibration Applications
    Accessing the Help
    Finding Examples
    Known Issues

    The Sound and Vibration Toolkit is a collection of virtual instruments (VIs) for LabVIEW that you can use to perform typical measurements required by audio, acoustics, or vibration applications. Use the Sound and Vibration Toolkit to perform the following sound and vibration measurements:
    • Scaling a signal to engineering units (EU)
    • Calibrating a measurement channel
    • Applying weighting filters
    • Integrating time-domain signals
    • Performing level measurements
    • Performing frequency analysis
    • Performing fractional-octave analysis
    • Performing swept-sine measurements
    • Performing single-tone measurements
    • Performing distortion analysis
    • Performing transient analysis
    • Performing limit and mask testing
    • Displaying results
    New Features
    The Sound and Vibration Toolkit 4.0 introduces the following new features:
    • Express VIs, located on the S&V Express Measurements palette, perform the most common sound and vibration measurements:
      – Sound level measurements
      – Vibration level measurements
      – Fractional-octave analysis
      – Power spectrum
      – Zoom power spectrum
      – Frequency response function
      – Spectrum peak search
      – Power in band measurements
      – Filtering
      – Limit testing
    • The SVL Measure Propagation Delay (DAQmx) VI supports a Maximum Length Sequence (MLS) test signal.
    • The new SVT Sound Level VI performs several types of sound level measurements at the same time: exponential, Leq, running Leq, and peak.
    • The new SVT Vibration Level VI performs several types of vibration levels at the same time: RMS, running RMS, peak, max-min, and exponential.
    • The new SVL Max-Min Level VI measures maximum, minimum, and maximum minus minimum amplitudes.
    • The new SVT Octave Analysis VI, SVT Third-octave Analysis VI, and SVT Fractional-octave Analysis VI offer compliance with both the IEC 1260:1995, class 1 and the new ANSI S1.11-2004, class 1 standards.
    • The new SVT Get Octave Value VI and SVT Get Octave Subset VI extract a single value or a range of values from an octave spectrum.
    • The new SVT FFT Spectrum (Complex) VI returns the complex FFT spectrum so that any window or averaging can be applied before performing distortion or single tone measurements such as SNR, SINAD, THD, THD+N, gain, phase, cross-talk, noise, dynamic range, or SFDR.
    • The SVT Frequency Response (Mag-Phase) VI accepts different input data types to compute the frequency response function between a single stimulus and a single response, a single stimulus and multiple responses, multiple stimuli and a single response, and multiple stimuli and multiple responses.
    • The SVL Unit Conversion VI converts magnitude and power spectra to power spectral density (PSD) and vice versa.
    • The new SVR SNR without Harmonics VI computes the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in a single measurement.
    • The SVT Idle Channel Noise VI returns the median noise level, signal-to-noise ratio, and maximum spur detected.
    System Requirements
    To run the Sound and Vibration Toolkit 4.0, your computer must meet the following minimum system requirements:
    • Microsoft Windows 2000/NT/XP
    • Minimum of 250 MB of free hard disk space
    • Minimum of 256 MB of RAM
    • LabVIEW 7.1 or later Full Development System or Professional Development System installed and properly licensed
    • NI-DAQ 7.2 or later installed for NI-DAQmx support
    Installation Instructions
    Note  To install the Sound and Vibration Toolkit on a Windows 2000/NT/XP system, you must be logged in with administrator privileges.
    Complete the following steps to install the Sound and Vibration Toolkit:
    • National Instruments recommends removing any previously installed versions of the Sound and Vibration Toolkit. Refer to the Uninstallation Instructions section below for information about uninstalling previous or current versions of the Sound and Vibration Toolkit.
    • Insert the Sound and Vibration Toolkit CD into the CD-ROM drive of the computer. If the CD startup screen does not appear, use Windows Explorer to run the autorun.exe program located in the top-level folder on the CD.
    • Follow the setup instructions that appear on the screen.
    Uninstallation Instructions
    Complete the following steps to uninstall the Sound and Vibration Toolkit.
    • Open the Add or Remove Programs dialog box from the Control Panel.
    • Select National Instruments Software and click the Change button.
    • Under NI Products, select NI LabVIEW Sound and Vibration Toolkit and click the Remove button.
    Redistributing Executable Sound and Vibration Applications
    If you are redistributing the Sound and Vibration Toolkit or any of its components, you are required to purchase the appropriate Sound and Vibration Toolkit Run-Time License from National Instruments. The part number for the Sound and Vibration Toolkit Run-Time License, One User is 778042-01.
    Accessing the Help
    Refer to the LabVIEW Help, accessible by selecting Help»VI, Function, & How-To Help in LabVIEW, for information about the Sound and Vibration VIs. Help specific to the Sound and Vibration Toolkit is available from the VI and Function Reference»Sound and Vibration Toolkit VIs book on the Contents tab of the LabVIEW Help. If you use the Sound and Vibration Toolkit with a version of LabVIEW later than 7.1, some of the links in the LabVIEW Help might be broken.
    (Windows XP Service Pack 2) The Place on the block diagram, the Find on the Functions palette, the Open example, and the Browse related examples buttons in the LabVIEW Help do not work in LabVIEW 7.1 or LabVIEW 7.1.1. National Instruments is working on a solution and will post a KnowledgeBase article in the future to address this issue.
    Refer to the LabVIEW Sound and Vibration Toolkit User Manual for information about the different measurements offered by the toolkit. The LabVIEW Sound and Vibration Toolkit User Manual is accessible from the Start menu under Programs»National Instruments»LabVIEW Sound and Vibration Toolkit 4.0»LabVIEW Sound and Vibration Toolkit User Manual.
    Finding Examples
    LabVIEW examples for the Sound and Vibration Toolkit are located in the examples\Sound and Vibration folder of the LabVIEW installation directory. You can modify an example VI to fit an application, or you can copy and paste from one or more examples into a VI that you create.
    You also can find example VIs using the NI Example Finder. Select Help»Find Examples to launch the NI Example Finder. You also can click the arrow on the Open button on the LabVIEW dialog box and select Examples from the shortcut menu to launch the NI Example Finder.
    Use the Browse or Search page of the NI Example Finder to find an example VI. In the Browse page, the Sound and Vibration Toolkit examples are located in the Toolkits and Modules»Sound and Vibration folder.
    Known Issues
    • Only one Waterfall Display or Waterfall Display for Octave can be open at any given time.
    • Waterfall Display and Waterfall Display for Octave are not supported on RT targets. The Getting Started example also is not supported on RT targets.
    • National Instruments strongly recommends that you take precautions to limit the effects of out-of-band aliasing in any frequency domain measurements. Aliasing can cause a wide range of obvious or subtle problems in audio, acoustic, and vibration measurements. Dynamic Signal Acquisition (DSA) devices use transparent digital and analog hardware filtering to eliminate aliased input and output frequencies. Multifunction DAQ (MIO) devices are more susceptible to the effects of aliased frequencies. If you are using a non-DSA measurement device, NI recommends addressing potential aliasing through high sampling rates, built-in analog filters on S Series devices, and/or external analog filters. The Aliasing and Sample Rate example program, available in NI Developer Zone, provides an introduction to issues of aliasing in time-domain and frequency-domain measurements.
    • Sending an array of floating-point or integer data to a waveform data type input of a Sound and Vibration Toolkit analysis VI does not produce expected results. LabVIEW automatically coerces an array wired to a waveform data type input, but the sampling interval (dt) is lost in the process. Do not wire numeric arrays to waveform data type inputs. Instead use proper waveform data.
    • The improved tone-detection algorithm requires finer frequency resolution for THD and IMD measurements. The lowest frequency of interest must be greater than or equal to 17(df) where df is the frequency spacing of the complex spectrum. If this requirement is not satisfied, the VI returns error –1944.

      Error -1944:
      Sound and Vibration Toolset: There is insufficient frequency resolution to perform this measurement. Improve the frequency resolution by increasing the number of samples used to compute the FFT and/or decreasing the sampling frequency of the acquisition.
    • Loading some Sound and Vibration Toolkit VIs in a version of LabVIEW greater than 7.1.1 might result in the following warning:

      sml_dispose fft table.vi
         -LabVIEW changed a constant that was wired to a Case structure to a hidden control to maintain compatibility with LabVIEW 7.1 and earlier.

      You can safely ignore this warning by clicking the OK button. Save the changed VI to prevent future warnings. Saving the VI does not change the functionality of the VI.
    • The Read Swept Sine Measurements (DAQmx) VIs return incorrect results when you specify a value other than 0 for the time to settle control in the SVT Set Swept Sine Coupling and IEPE Excitation (DAQmx) VI.
    • When mass compiling some of the Sound and Vibration Toolkit examples VIs or some of the Sound and Vibration VIs, you will receive several warnings in the Status window if you do not have the Traditional DAQ driver or the NI-DAQmx driver installed. If you are not using Traditional DAQ or NI-DAQmx, you can safely ignore these warnings. If you are using Traditional DAQ or NI-DAQmx, you need to install the driver before performing a mass compile.
    • When you convert an S&V Express Measurements Express VI into a subVI, you must make the subVI reentrant and save the subVI before executing it. Making the subVI reentrant ensures that if you use multiple instances of the same subVI, each instance properly maintains any state information required by the subVI.
    • If you have an application that uses the SVT Integration (frequency) VI that shipped with version 2.0 or 3.0 of the Sound and Vibration Toolkit, the application will be broken in this version of the Sound and Vibration Toolkit. The connector pane for the SVT Integration (frequency) VI changed between version 3.0 and version 3.1 of the Sound and Vibration Toolkit. To fix the application, replace the SVT Integration (frequency) VI with the SVL Integration (frequency) VI, located on the Spectrum Extended Measurements palette, and reconnect the input and output terminals.

    © 2005 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.

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