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[NI驱动程序] NI-XNET 1.3 Driver Win32Eng NI-XNET仪器驱动程序1.3下载

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    NI-XNET 1.3 Driver Win32Eng NI-XNET仪器驱动程序1.3下载

    NI-XNET是一个NI仪器驱动程序,具有一组易用的常见功能,用于读写PXI、PCI、NI CompactDAQ和NI CompactRIO等不同平台的汽车以太网、CANI、LIN和FlexRay帧和信号。NI-XNET CAN、LIN和FlexRay接口经优化,适合需要对数百个CAN帧和信号进行高速实时操作的应用,如硬件在环仿真、快速控制原型、总线监控和自动化控制等。

    文件大小: 366379571 字节 (349.41 MB)
    修改日期: 2019-06-25 02:42
    MD5: e4c6976dfc45e69cc34783e82a9731d4(官方正确)
    SHA1: 8fa64a9f522668b7e089b112b3aec084ae1f6bca
    SHA256: 80664d0348329a4ccfcbffce6e41dd09d3cebf27a38461eed312f3fff6cc5bb8
    CRC32: f69e3edd

    NI-XNET1.3.txt (277 Bytes, 下载次数: 0, 售价: 10 元)

    NI-XNET 1.3 Readme
    April 2011
    This file contains information about the NI-XNET software for Windows 7/Vista/XP and LabVIEW™ Real-Time (RT). Information in this file is organized in the following sections:
    • Documentation
    • Supported Platforms
    • Installing NI-XNET 1.3
    • New Features and Changes
    • Bug Fixes
    • Errata to the NI-XNET Hardware and Software Manual
    • Additional Programming Topics

    The XNET Software and Hardware Installation Guide included with the NI-XNET CD includes instructions for installing National Instruments hardware and software.
    The NI-XNET Hardware and Software Manual is the primary document for NI XNET products. This manual includes an introduction to CAN, FlexRay, and LIN, specifications for hardware, information about how to get started with application development, and a complete reference for all NI-XNET functions.
    The NI-XNET Hardware and Software Manual is in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). You can download the Acrobat Reader for free at: www.adobe.com.
    Open the help from Start»All Programs»National Instruments»NI-XNET.
    Links to the NI-XNET Hardware and Software Manual are in the online help for each NI-XNET function within the National Instruments LabVIEW and LabWindows™/CVI™ development environments.
    Online help for the NI-XNET features within Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) is in the MAX Help Topics menu. The MAX Help Topics menu for NI-XNET also includes a link to the NI-XNET Hardware and Software Help.
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    Installing NI-XNET 1.3
    Before installing the NI-XNET software, log on as Administrator or as a user with Administrator privileges. The NI-XNET software setup program must have Administrator privileges because the program modifies the configuration registry of your system. Complete the following steps to install the NI-XNET software.
    • Insert the NI-XNET software CD into your CD-ROM drive. The installer launches if your CD-ROM drive plays data CDs automatically. If the installer does not launch automatically, navigate to the CD using Windows Explorer and launch the autorun.exe file from your NI-XNET software CD.
    • The installation wizard guides you through the necessary steps to install the NI-XNET software. You can go back and change values where appropriate by clicking the Back button. You can exit the setup where appropriate by clicking Cancel.
    • When the installation is complete, click Finish.
    Installing NI-XNET Silently
    You can programmatically control which features in the NI-XNET distribution to enable or disable for installation. You therefore can install a subset of the NI-XNET distribution silently. Refer to the template_spec.txt file in the Specfiles directory on the NI-XNET CD for more information about installing NI-XNET silently and selecting which features to install automatically.
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    Supported PlatformsSupported Operating Systems
    You can install and run this version of the NI-XNET software on the following operating systems:
    • Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
    • Windows Vista (32-bit and 64-bit)
    • Windows XP (32-bit)
    • Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-bit)
    • Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
    The NI-XNET installer does not support Windows NT/Me/2000/98/95 or the Windows Server non-R2 editions.
    Note:  Support for Windows Server 2003 R2 may require disabling physical address extensions (PAE). To learn how this may affect your use of Windows Server 2003 and what actions you may need to take, visit ni.com/info and enter the info code PAESupport.
    Caution  If you plan to perform an upgrade of your system from a prior version of Microsoft Windows to Microsoft Windows Vista, you are required to uninstall all National Instruments software prior to performing the upgrade. After the upgrade has been completed, you can reinstall your National Instruments software.
    Supported Hardware
    This version of the NI-XNET software supports the following National Instruments hardware products on Windows and LabVIEW RT:
    • NI PCI-8511 (Low-Speed/Fault-Tolerant CAN)
    • NI PCI-8512 (High-Speed CAN)
    • NI PCI-8513 (Software-Selectable HS/LS/SW CAN)
    • NI PCI-8516 (LIN)
    • NI PCI-8517 (FlexRay)
    • NI PXI-8511 (Low-Speed/Fault-Tolerant CAN)
    • NI PXI-8512 (High-Speed CAN)
    • NI PXI-8513 (Software-Selectable HS/LS/SW CAN)
    • NI PXI-8516 (LIN)
    • NI PXI-8517 (FlexRay)
    • NI 9862 (C Series High-Speed CAN)
      Supported platforms:
      • CompactDAQ - NI-DAQmx 9.3 (or newer) required.
        • NI cDAQ-9174
        • NI cDAQ-9178
        • NI cDAQ-9181
        • NI cDAQ-9188
      • CompactRIO - NI-RIO 3.6.1 (or newer) and LabVIEW 2010 SP1 (or newer) required.
        • Real-Time Controller: NI cRIO-9012, NI cRIO-9014, NI cRIO-9022, and NI cRIO-9024
        • CompactRIO Reconfigurable Chassis: NI cRIO-9111, NI cRIO-9112, NI cRIO-9113, NI cRIO-9114, NI cRIO-9116, and NI cRIO-9118
        • LabVIEW FPGA 2010 SP1 (or newer) is required to build and deploy a bitstream with an NI 9862 module in the project.

    The NI-XNET software supports only National Instruments CAN, FlexRay, and LIN hardware products. For information about software for CAN products from other vendors, refer to the documentation you received with those products.
    Supported Development Environments
    This version of the NI-XNET software supports the following development environments:
    • LabVIEW 8.5, 8.6, LabVIEW 2009 (32-bit), and LabVIEW 2010 (32-bit)
    • LabVIEW Real-Time (RT) 8.5, 8.6, 2009, and 2010
    • LabWindows/CVI 8.5 and higher
    • Microsoft Visual C/C++ 6.0
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    New NI-XNET 1.3 Features and Changes as Compared to NI-XNET 1.1.1
    The NI-XNET 1.3 release adds the following features:
    • New feature: Support of the NI 9862 C Series module.
    • New feature: FIBEX 3.0 database file support.
    • New feature: PDU support (FlexRay only).
    • New feature: Frame/Signal conversion (refer to XNET Convert.vi or the nxdbGetDBCAttribute() function)
    • New feature: External transceiver support for CAN XS hardware (NI PCI-8513 and PXI-8513).
    • New feature: NI-Spy supports logging calls from NI-XNET LabVIEW VIs.
    • New feature: Reading custom attributes from .dbc files (refer to XNET Database Get DBC Attribute.vi or the nxConvertFramesToSignalsSinglePoint and nxConvertSignalsToFramesSinglePoint functions).
    • New feature: Allowing multiselect, drag-and-drop in the Tx/Rx frame dialog list boxes of the NI-XNET Database Editor.
    The NI-XNET 1.3 release changes the following behavior:
    • Change: Database export file format changed from FIBEX 2.0.1 to 3.1.
    New NI-XNET 1.1.1 Features and Changes as Compared to NI-XNET 1.1
    The NI-XNET 1.1.1 release adds the following features:
    • New feature: Support for LabVIEW 2010 (32-bit).
    New NI-XNET 1.1 Features and Changes as Compared to NI-XNET 1.0
    The NI-XNET 1.1 release adds the following features:
    • New feature: Support for PCI-8516 and PXI-8516 (LIN bus interface).
    • New feature: Replay mode (CAN only. Refer to the Interface:Output Stream Timing, Interface:Output Stream List, and Interface:CAN:Output Stream List By ID properties.)
    • New feature: Cyclic frame spacing (CAN only. Refer to the Frame:CAN:Start Time Offset property.)
    • New feature: Frame level fault insertion (CAN only: Change the period during runtime. Refer to the Frame:CAN:Transmit Time property. CAN only: Skip N transmissions of a cyclic frame. Refer to the Frame:Skip N Cyclic Frames property.)
    • New feature: Frame reordering (CAN only. Refer to the Interface:CAN:Pending Transmit Order property.)
    • New feature: LabVIEW Real-Time support on desktop PC real-time systems.
    The NI-XNET 1.1 release changes the following behavior:
    • In the NI-XNET 1.0, you could connect one NI-XNET class to a different NI-XNET class (for example, you could wire an NI-XNET frame to a property node of an NI-XNET signal). This class mismatch in NI-XNET 1.0 usually was detected at runtime only. In LabVIEW 2009, NI-XNET 1.1 shows this as a broken wire at edit time.
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    Bug Fixes
    The following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed between NI-XNET 1.1 and NI-XNET 1.3. If you have a CAR ID, you can search this list to validate that the issue has been fixed. This is not an exhaustive list of issues fixed in the current version of NI-XNET.
    Bug IDFixed Issue
    287495NI-XNET database editor: When trying to enter a value for default value with more then 7 digits, the editor coerces the value and creates the coerced value in the FIBEX file.
    281193Cannot integrate if using FlexRay In Cycle Repeated Frames with 254 bytes.
    280120CAN remote frames are not transmitted when using single-point sessions.
    256773The cycle value returned from XNET Read (State FlexRay Cycle Macrotick).vi is not accurate.
    255818NI-XNET database editor: Deleting an ECU from an imported FIXED database does not delete the ECU from the FIBEX file.
    254192Selecting NI-XNET signals through constant or strings throws an error at session creation time.
    250196LabVIEW Project Assistant: Importing XNET Sessions does not import the session, if identical message- and channel-names exist.
    240132A LIN Slave Stream Input session requires defining a schedule, although it should not need to.
    237697NI-XNET database editor: FlexRay signals are not shown from imported FIBEX files.
    234865NI-XNET Compatibility Library for NI-CAN: .ncd or .dbc files cannot be used by NI-XNET Compatibility Library for NI-CAN on LabVIEW Real-Time targets.
    228013You can experience high processor load when using a waveform input session with many signals.
    224423NI-XNET does not read default and error values correctly from .dbc files.
    222491NI-XNET does not read the signal name for a multiplexer correctly from .dbc files.
    214704Collision Resolving Schedules were not always executed as highest priority schedule.
    211958Error –1074384742/0xBFF6309A is generated when trying to use different clusters on the same interface.
    211634LabVIEW Project Assistant: Under certain circumstances, you cannot select LIN interfaces on the Hardware Selection page.
    206976Querying the cluster for a receive frame returns an error if there is an ECU and a frame using the same name.
    200103NI-XNET Compatibility Library for NI-CAN: You cannot change the frame timing type of CAN frames once the database is in use.
    The following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed between NI-XNET 1.0 and NI-XNET 1.1. If you have a CAR ID, you can search this list to validate that the issue has been fixed. This is not an exhaustive list of issues fixed in the current version of NI-XNET.
    Bug IDFixed Issue
    195809NI-XNET Compatibility Library for NI-CAN: ncConfig/ncOpenObject/ncCloseObject functions leak memory and handles.
    194073NI-XNET Compatibility Library for NI-CAN: Notifications cannot be rearmed without disabling them first.
    192007Read timestamp function may return a timestamp that is off by about 7 minutes.
    181246NI-XNET Compatibility Library for NI-CAN: The nctInitialize function and the CAN Init VI do not use the baud rate of a currently running interface.
    180542NI-XNET Compatibility Library for NI-CAN: ncConfig called with same parameters on open of CAN objects returns an error.
    193647NI-XNET Compatibility Library for NI-CAN: Added code to avoid hanging ncCreateNotification() when attempting to disarm a pending notification.
    206461NI-XNET Compatibility Library for NI-CAN: Added code to avoid hanging ncCreateNotification() when attempting to close an object with a pending notification.
    186551Losing arbitration while in Single Shot Transmit mode may cause a session to stop sending frames.
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    Additional Programming TopicsSynchronization in CompactDAQ
    Explicit routing of the timebase is not required for CompactDAQ, because all modules in the chassis automatically use a shared timebase.
    The C Series CAN module supports routing of the Start Trigger to/from other modules in the CompactDAQ chassis, including CAN and DAQ modules. This feature is currently documented in context help, but not the full NI-XNET manual.
    For information about CompactDAQ synchronization in LabVIEW, drop the XNET Session property node to the diagram, select property Interface : Source Terminal : Trigger, and view the context help.
    For information about CompactDAQ synchronization in C/C++, open nixnet.h, and search for the session property nxPropSession_IntfSrcTermStartTrigger. Context help is provided in the comment.
    NI-CAN Compatibility
    If you intend to use the NI-CAN API with your NI-XNET PCI/PXI hardware, refer to the NI-XNET Compatibility for NI-CAN appendix in the NI-CAN Hardware and Software Manual.
    Logfile format specification
    The .ncl log file format that is used by some of the NI-XNET examples, is documented in the NI XNET Logfile Spec.htm file. This file typically is installed on your system at %ProgramFiles%\National Instruments\NI-XNET\Documentation.
    Deployed databases on LabVIEW Real-Time targets
    When upgrading the NI-XNET software on your LabVIEW Real-Time target, you need to re-deploy your database files to that target using a host computer that runs the same version of NI-XNET as the target.
    Removing and inserting C Series modules on CompactRIO targets
    Inserting an module into a cRIO chassis that is actively communicating with an NI 9862 module causes the module to lose communication. Solution: Do not insert any modules into a cRIO chassis during active communication.
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    Errata to the NI-XNET Hardware and Software ManualSynchronization in CompactDAQ
    Update to the LabVIEW Interface : Source Terminal : Trigger and nxPropSession_IntfSrcTermStartTrigger session property documentation:
    For trigger connections between XNET C Series modules and DAQ C Series modules, the property is write only. The 986x C Series module can receive a start trigger signal from a DAQ C Series module but not generate a start trigger for a DAQ C Series module.
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    Copyright 2009–2011 National Instruments. All rights reserved.
    Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation.
    National Instruments respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask our users to do the same. NI software is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. Where NI software may be used to reproduce software or other materials belonging to others, you may use NI software only to reproduce materials that you may reproduce in accordance with the terms of any applicable license or other legal restriction.
    CVI, National Instruments, NI, ni.com, and LabVIEW are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Terms of Use section on ni.com/legal for more information about National Instruments trademarks.
    The mark LabWindows is used under a license from Microsoft Corporation. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
    Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
    For patents covering the National Instruments products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the National Instruments Patent Notice at ni.com/patents.

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