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Windows系统下(Linux和MAC系统下请自行了解清楚)NI的各种软件、模块、工具包、驱动程序,使用NI许可证管理器来激活的,绝大部分的都可以使用NI Lincense Activator来激活:NI序列号Serial Number生成激活工具NI License Activator,LabVIEW/VBAI/VDM/VAS等软件模块工具包破解工具不限版本http://visionbbs.com/thread-490-1-1.html
NI Motion Module 7.6 美国国家仪器运动模块7.6版下载
NI Motion Module7.6是针对LabVIEW7.1.1版本下的运动模块,如果需要在LabVIEW7.1.1中开发运动控制功能,则需要该模块。
NI-Motion 7.6 Full Win32Eng NI运动驱动程序7.6完整版 适用LabVIEW7.1.1
(出处: 机器视觉之家)
NI-Motion™ 7.6 Readme
This document contains installation and programming considerations, a list of changes in this version of NI-Motion, and a list of NI-Motion known issues.
General Information
Installation and Configuration Instructions
NI-Motion 7.6 Changes and Enhancements
NI-Motion 7.6 General Considerations
NI-Motion 7.6 Known Issues
Previous NI-Motion Changes and Enhancements
General Information
NI-Motion 7.6 is the motion control software you use to communicate with all National Instruments motion controllers using LabVIEW, C, LabWindows™/CVI™, or Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 development platforms. Refer to KnowledgeBase article 39DA8HMU, Does the NI-Motion Driver Support Visual Studio .NET?, at ni.com/kb for information about Visual Studio .NET 2003 and Visual Studio 2005 support.
NI-Motion 7.6 is compatible with the following National Instruments software:
LabVIEW 7.1.1 or later.
LabVIEW 7.1.1 or later Real-Time Module.
Motion Assistant 2.2 or later graphical prototyping software.
NI SoftMotion Controller 2.2 or later.
Note: Do not update your NI-Motion software if you are using the NI SoftMotion Controller 2.1 or earlier unless you also update your NI SoftMotion Controller software to version 2.2.
Compatibility with Earlier Versions of NI-Motion
If you have developed motion control systems using a previous version of NI-Motion, you must recompile your code before it will work correctly with NI-Motion 7.6.
In addition, any applications you build in NI-Motion 7.6 will not work correctly in earlier versions of NI-Motion. Similarly, configuration settings you build and save in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) with NI-Motion 7.6 will not work with applications you build in earlier versions of NI-Motion.
LabVIEW Real-Time Users
To use NI-Motion 7.6 with a real-time target, you must reinstall the NI-Motion driver software on the real-time target system using MAX. Driver versions on the host and target system must be the same for proper operation. Refer to the Measurement & Automation Explorer Remote Systems Help by selecting Help»Help Topics»Remote Systems in MAX for information about installing software on the remote system.
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Installation and Configuration Instructions
The following sections include important information about installing NI-Motion 7.6, instructions for downloading and installing NI-Motion 7.6 from the Web or from the CD, and information about NI-Motion firmware.
Note NI-Motion 7.6 is supported on Microsoft Windows Vista/XP/2000. If you are using Windows Me/98/NT, do not upgrade to NI-Motion version 7.6. Continue using NI-Motion version 6.1.x.
Tip For optimal performance, update your operating system to the latest service pack and apply all security patches. This is especially important on Windows 2000 systems. Refer to KnowledgeBase article 45O8JNHR at ni.com/kb for more information.
Downloading NI-Motion 7.6 from the Web
Complete the following steps to install this update:
Download the NIMOTION760.exe file, and then run it.
Follow the onscreen instructions.
Note (Windows Vista) Users may see access and security messages during installation. Accept the prompts to complete the installation.
When the installer completes, a dialog box appears that asks if you want to restart, shut down, or restart later. Select Restart.
Download the updated firmware to your controller(s):
Note You must update the firmware on your NI 73xx controllers before you can use them with NI-Motion 7.6.
Launch MAX.
Expand Devices and Interfaces.
Select the appropriate motion controller.
Click the Firmware tab.
Click the Update Firmware button at the top of the window to update all the firmware files on your device.
Installing from the CD
Complete the following steps to install this update:
Insert the NI-Motion 7.6 installation CD in the CD-ROM drive.
If you have autorun enabled, autorun.exe runs automatically. Otherwise, double-click autorun.exe.
Follow the onscreen instructions.
Note (Windows Vista) Users may see access and security messages during installation. Accept the prompts to complete the installation.
When the installer completes, a dialog box appears that asks if you want to restart, shut down, or restart later. Select Restart.
Download the updated firmware to your controller(s):
Note You must update the firmware on your NI 73xx controllers before you can use them with NI-Motion 7.6.
Launch MAX.
Expand Devices and Interfaces.
Select the appropriate motion controller.
Click the Firmware tab.
Click the Update Firmware button at the top of the window to update all the firmware files on your device.
Changing Firmware Files to an Earlier Version of NI-Motion
For optimal performance, ensure that the firmware on your controller matches the driver version you install. Complete the following steps to replace the firmware on your controller if you need to use an earlier version of the NI-Motion software and firmware:
Launch MAX.
Expand Devices and Interfaces.
Select the appropriate motion controller.
Click the Firmware tab.
Right-click one of the firmware files in the Firmware Name column and select Download All Files to download the firmware files on the computer onto the controller.
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NI-Motion 7.6 Changes and Enhancements
LabVIEW 8.5 Support
NI-Motion 7.6 is fully supported on LabVIEW 8.5.
Changed Installation Location for CVI Support Files
Examples are installed at \samples.
Function panels and libraries are installed at \bin.
You may need to update existing CVI projects to reflect these changes.
Improved Stepper Output Generation
In previous versions of NI-Motion, the stepper output of a follower/slave gearing axis could be incorrectly generated, causing missing steps. This problem has been fixed in NI-Motion 7.6.
Enabling or Disabling Encoder Associated with Disabled Axis
NI-Motion 7.6 now allows an encoder to be controlled independently of the axis owning the encoder as long as the axis is disabled.
Using Crossover Cables with Remote Devices
In previous versions of NI-Motion, using a crossover cable with a remote target could cause the driver to be unable to communicate with a mapped device. This problem has been fixed in NI-Motion 7.6.
Repairing the NI-Motion Installation from the CD on a 64-bit System
It is now possible to repair the NI-Motion installation from the CD on a Microsoft Windows Vista 64-bit system.
Updated Links in Help Documents
In previous versions of NI-Motion, several reference links in the help documents did not open properly. This problem has been fixed in NI-Motion 7.6.
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NI-Motion 7.6 General Considerations
Importing Portable Configuration Files
Importing motion controller settings from older portable configuration files may take a few minutes due to the settings upgrade process. This is expected behavior.
Creating C Projects with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 and Visual Studio 2005
Visual Studio .NET 2003 and 2005 do not allow C++ precompiled header files to be used with C source files. Disable precompiled headers when running NI-Motion C examples.
National Instruments Software Publisher Certificates
When you run setup.exe to install the software from the CD, you are prompted to choose whether you want to always trust software from National Instruments. If you do not select this option, your installation may be interrupted by one or more Microsoft Windows security dialog boxes. However, if you run setup from the command line, you will not receive this prompt, and the installer will automatically install NI's Software Publisher Certificate to the Windows Trusted Publisher Store. If you do not want to make this change to your Windows Trusted Publisher Store, do not choose this installation method.
Firmware Versions in NI-Motion 7.6
The following table lists the expected firmware files that ship with NI-Motion 7.6.
Sector Version Number
NI 7330 NI 7340 NI 7350 NI PCI-7390
68331 7.40.3001 7.40.3001 7.40.3001 7.40.3001
DSP 7.30.3001 7.30.3001 7.30.3001 7.30.3001
FPGA1 7.00.3001 7.00.3001 7.10.3001 7.00.3014
FPGA2 7.00.3001 7.00.3001 — —
Upgrading from NI-Motion 5.0.1
When you upgrade NI-Motion 5.0.1 to NI-Motion 7.6, your controller does not use the initialization settings you configured and saved in MAX prior to installing NI-Motion 7.6. To use your old initialization settings, you must change back to the old settings using the Change Current Settings feature in the Initialization Settings wizard in MAX. Refer to Measurement & Automation Explorer Help for Motion for information about changing device settings.
Tip Click Help»Help Topics»NI-Motion»NI-Motion Configuration Help to launch Measurement & Automation Explorer Help for Motion.
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NI-Motion 7.6 Known Issues
Loading Target Positions in Velocity Mode
Do not use the Load Target Position VI/function when your controller is in velocity mode. Loading a target position while operating in velocity mode may result in unexpected behavior.
Using Position Buffers with Vector Spaces
Switching buffer resources using Configure Buffer to perform two sequential contour moves does not work as expected with a vector space. When Configure Buffer is called two times in a row with different resources, the first contoured move is executed as expected but the second one is either not executed at all in cases where total points is the same as buffer size or it moves to some random position in cases where total points is greater than buffer size. To correct this problem, call Stop Motion between the first and second call to Configure Buffer.
Updating from NI-Motion 7.2.1 using Portable Configuration Files
When updating to NI-Motion 7.6 from NI-Motion 7.2.1, if you have previously imported settings for the NI 7344 controller using NI Portable Configuration files (.nce files), you must reimport the NI 7344 controller settings after you update to NI-Motion 7.6.
Symptoms of this issue that appear after updating to NI-Motion 7.6 are receiving error -70038 (NIMC_internalSoftwareError) when you initialize the controller and the Control Loop Settings tab not appearing in MAX.
Blend Factor Values for Two Vector Spaces (NI 73xx Controllers Only)
Using a blend factor greater than 0 when performing arc moves on two vector spaces simultaneously may cause one vector space to stop prematurely. National Instruments recommends that you do not use a blend factor greater than 0 in this case.
NIMC_* Functions in Microsoft Visual Basic
The current version of NI-Motion supports the flex_* API functions but not the NIMC_* functions in Visual Basic 6.0.
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Previous NI-Motion Changes and Enhancements
Refer to KnowledgeBase article 47CC30FL, NI-Motion Readmes, at ni.com/kb for access to previous NI-Motion readme files, starting with NI-Motion 7.0.
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Important Information
© 2007 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.
Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation.
National Instruments, NI, ni.com, and LabVIEW are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Terms of Use section on ni.com/legal for more information about National Instruments trademarks.
For patents covering the National Instruments products, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your CD, or ni.com/patents.