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[LV工具模块] LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office 1.1.3 LV8.6报表工具包RGT

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    LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office 1.1.3 for LabvIEW8.6报表工具包RGT1.1.3版适用LabVIEW8.6


    June 2008
    System Requirements
    The computer you are using must meet the following minimum system requirements to run the Report Generation Toolkit:
    Windows Vista/XP/2000
    40 MB of hard drive space
    LabVIEW 8.6
    Microsoft Office 2007/2003/XP
    Note  You must have both Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel installed before installing the Report Generation Toolkit.

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    RGT1.1.3 for LV8.6.txt (296 Bytes, 下载次数: 46, 售价: 10 元)

    LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office 1.1.3 Readme
    June 2008
    This file contains important last-minute information about the LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office 1.1.3, including installation issues.
    Refer to the National Instruments Web site for the latest information about the Report Generation Toolkit. Refer to the LabVIEW Help for more information about using the Report Generation Toolkit.
    System Requirements
    Upgrade Issues
    Known Issues
    Documentation Additions
    System Requirements
    The computer you are using must meet the following minimum system requirements to run the Report Generation Toolkit:
    • Windows Vista/XP/2000
    • 40 MB of hard drive space
    • LabVIEW 8.6
    • Microsoft Office 2007/2003/XP

      Note  You must have both Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel installed before installing the Report Generation Toolkit.

    (Windows Vista/XP/2000) You can install all of your LabVIEW products—including LabVIEW and the Report Generation Toolkit—using the LabVIEW 8.6 Platform DVDs. Refer to the LabVIEW DVD Installation Instructions or the LabVIEW Release Notes, which are available in your LabVIEW box, for information about the LabVIEW Platform DVDs.
    Complete the following steps to install the Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office 1.1.3 from the LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office installation CD.
    Note  Some virus detection programs interfere with the installer. Disable any automatic virus detection programs before you install. After installation, check your computer for viruses and enable any virus detection programs you disabled.
    • Log on as an administrator or as a user with administrator privileges.
    • Insert the LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office 1.1.3 installation CD and follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
    • Activate your LabVIEW products using the NI License Manager.

    Note  Due to differences between the ActiveX interface of different versions of Microsoft Office, National Instruments recommends that you mass compile the Report Generation VIs after installation to improve performance.
    Version 1.1.2 for LabVIEW 7.x or 8.x
    You must install the LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office 1.1.2 to work with LabVIEW 7.0, 7.1, 8.0, 8.2, or 8.5.
    Caution  Do not install the Report Generation Toolkit 1.1.2 under LabVIEW 8.6.
    Complete the following steps to install the Report Generation Toolkit 1.1.2.
    Note  Some virus detection programs interfere with the installer. Disable any automatic virus detection programs before you install. After installation, check your computer for viruses and enable any virus detection programs you disabled.
    • Log on as an administrator or as a user with administrator privileges.
    • Insert the LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office 1.1.3 installation CD and browse to the LabVIEW_7.0-8.5 directory.
    • Double-click setup.exe and follow the instructions that appear on the screen.

    Version 1.0.1 for LabVIEW 6.x
    You must install the LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office 1.0.1 to work with LabVIEW 6.x. The installation process for version 1.0.1 is very similar to the process for version 1.1.2 except that you launch the installer from the LabVIEW_6.x directory of your CD.
    Caution  Do not install the Report Generation Toolkit 1.0.1 under LabVIEW 8.6.
    Upgrade Issues
    • The Report Generation VIs were rewritten using LabVIEW classes. The report in control and report out indicator changed from reference number data types to LabVIEW class data types. If you did not create constants, controls, or indicators using the typedef refnum, the VIs might not work correctly.
    • The Numeric Array instance of the Excel Easy Table VI no longer contains the format string input.
    • If you save Report Generation VIs to a previous version of LabVIEW, the VIs might be broken when you open them in the previous version of LabVIEW. Rewire or relink the subVIs if this problem occurs.

    Known Issues
    • The MS Office Report Express VI does not support signed or unsigned 64-bit integers.
    • (Office 2007) Several default settings in Microsoft Office 2007 differ slightly from previous versions. Reports you generate using Office 2007 might look different than reports you generate from other versions of Office because font sizes, cell sizes, and so on, differ.
    • (Excel 2007) If you save an Excel file with a .xls extension with the Report Generation Toolkit, you might receive the following dialog box message when you open the file in Excel 2007:

      The file you are trying to open, 'filename.xls', is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now?

      Click the Yes button to open the file. You can save the file with a .xlsx extension instead of a .xls extension to avoid receiving this dialog box.
    • If you use the Print Report VI or the MS Office Report Express VI to print a Word report and assign a printer other than the default system printer, Microsoft Word resets the default system printer to the printer you assigned to the printer name input of the VI.
    • If you build an application using the Word Add New Document VI and run the application on a target computer with a different version of Microsoft Office, the built application might return an error.

    Documentation Additions
    The following items are last-minute additions to the LabVIEW Help regarding the Report Generation Toolkit.
    • Error code -41007 specifies that you must have the Report Generation Toolkit installed to create the selected type of report.

    © 2008 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.

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