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发表于 2019-12-18 10:48:29
来自:广东省东莞市 电信
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康耐视COGNEX 3DEXPRESS FOR VISIONPRO 9.2Cognex 3DExpress Pre-Processing Software
This release supports Cognex 3DExpress to configure one or more area scan cameras for use in 3D displacement applications.
Acquiring 3D images using 3DExpress requires you to use the 3DExpress interface to configure an Acquisition Integration Kit (AIK) server. Once configured, the server attaches to a VisionPro AIK client to accept the incoming 3D images. Your VisionPro application can acquire images from the server as if it were a supported camera. Both VisionPro and 3DExpress execute as part of your vision solution.
Be aware Cognex 3DExpress supports a limited set of area-scan cameras for use in a 3D vision application.
This release includes additional documentation describing the details on configuring a 3DExpress AIK server and attaching it a VisionPro application.
文件类型: .msi
文件大小: 41.2MB
发布日期: 2019/8/7
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dEV9atdVLhM5a8jS3b8SMQ 提取码: