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[LV工具模块] NI Vision Development Module 8.2.1 Win32Eng 视觉开发模块VDM8.2.1版 适用LabVIEW8.2.1

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    发表于 2013-12-26 15:52:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自:广东省东莞市 联通


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    Windows系统下(Linux和MAC系统下请自行了解清楚)NI的各种软件、模块、工具包、驱动程序,使用NI许可证管理器来激活的,绝大部分的都可以使用NI Lincense Activator来激活:NI序列号Serial Number生成激活工具NI License Activator,LabVIEW/VBAI/VDM/VAS等软件模块工具包破解工具不限版本http://visionbbs.com/thread-490-1-1.html


    NI Vision Development Module 8.2.1 Win32Eng 视觉开发模块VDM8.2.1版 适用LabVIEW8.2.1
    NI VDM8.2.1适用于LabVIEW8.2.1版的视觉开发模块。视觉论坛visionbbs.com特供下载。

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    VDM8.2.1.txt (220 Bytes, 下载次数: 62, 售价: 100 元)


    NI Vision 8.2.1Development Module Readme

    © 2007 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.

    This document contains important last-minuteinformation about the NI Vision 8.2.1 Development Module software, includingnew features, installation and upgrade issues, and compatibility issues.
    New Features
    Allsubmodules of the NI Vision 8.2.1 Development Module have the following newfeatures:
    ·      Support for LabVIEW 8.2.1.
    ·      Support for Microsoft Windows Vista.
    ·      Golden Template Comparison—Functions for comparing images to a goldentemplate reference image.
    ·      Data Matrix—Enhancements in speed and accuracy and functions that outputthe ISO 16022 (AIM) grade for a given Data Matrix barcode.
    ·      Optical Character Verification—Functions for verifying the accuracy ofcharacters within an image. For each character, the algorithm compares thecharacter from the image with the reference character, and outputs a scorebased on the comparison.
    ·      Geometric Matching—Enhancements in speed and accuracy, support forsearching for multiple templates within a single target image, and searchingfor templates within a calibrated image.
    ·      Shape Detection—Functions for detecting rectangles, lines, ellipses, andcircles within an image.
    ·      Watershed Transform—Computes the watershed transform on an image. Refer tothe NI Vision Concepts Manual for more information about watershedtransform.
    ·      Local Adaptive Threshold—Thresholds an image into a binary image based onthe specified local adaptive thresholding method (e.g. Niblack, BackgroundCorrection).
    ·      JPEG2000 File I/O—Support for reading and writing JPEG2000 files.
    VisionAssistant 8.2.1 includes the following additions:
    ·      GigE Vision Camera support—Allows users to acquire images from GigE Visioncameras.
    ·      Annulus ROI—Added support for the annulus ROI tool in the OCR/OCV step.
    ·      Run LabVIEW VI Step—Allows users to call custom LabVIEW VIs from withinVision Assistant scripts.
    ·      Image Overlay step—Overlay figures, text, and bitmaps onto an imagewithout destroying the image data.
    ·      Image Annotation—Save data with an image file.
    ·      64-bit RGB images—Added support for 64-bit RGB images.
    ·      Japanese language support—Vision Assistant software and documentation areavailable in Japanese.
    Installingthis program may remove previous versions of IMAQ Vision for LabVIEW, IMAQVision for Measurement Studio, NI OCR, NI-IMAQ, and Measurement &Automation Explorer (MAX) that are currently installed.

    NIVision 8.2.1 supports LabVIEW 7.1 or later, Visual Studio 6.0 or later, andLabWindows™/CVI™ 7.0 or later. The installer specifically allows side-by-sideinstallations of NI Vision 8.2.1 for each of the supported versions of LabVIEW,enabling you to use the NI Vision 8.2.1 Development Module with multipleversions of LabVIEW. National Instruments recommends that you install LabVIEW,or any other supported development environment, before installing the NI Vision8.2.1 Development Module.
    NOTE: The NI Vision 8.2.1 Development Module overwritesexisting NI Vision examples and NI Vision VIs. Movemodified examples or VIs that you want to save to another directory beforeinstalling the NI Vision 8.2.1 Development Module.
    For installationinstructions and a complete list of system requirements, refer to the NIVision 8.2.1 Development Module Release Notes.

    Howto Activate the NI Vision 8.2.1 License
    When you run an NI Vision 8.2.1application for the first time, it prompts you to activate a license for theproduct. If you do not activate a valid license, the NI Vision 8.2.1 applicationwill run in Evaluation Mode and continue to prompt you to activate a license oneach subsequent launch.
    Complete the following steps toactivate the NI Vision 8.2.1 license through an Internet connection.
    1.   Run the productyou want to license.
    2.   Click Yeswhen prompted to interactively activate your product.
    3.   Ensure that Automaticallyactivate through a secure Internet connection is selected, and click Next.
    4.   Enter the product serial number,and click Next.
    5.   Enter your registrationinformation, and click Next.
    TIP: Enter your email address to receive a copy of your activation code foryour records.

    Using NI Vision 8.2.1 with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
    NI Vision 8.2.1 supports interoperability between the Vision 8.2.1 ActiveXcontrol and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003. NI Vision installs the followingInterop Assemblies that allow .NET languages to correctly communicate with theActiveX controls:

    ·      NationalInstruments.AxCWIMAQControlsLib.Interop.dll—cwimaq.ocx
    ·      NationalInstruments.AxCWIMAQHelpButton.Interop.dll—CWIMAQHlpBtn.ocx
    ·      NationalInstruments.AxCWMV.Interop.dll—cwmv.ocx
    ·      NationalInstruments.AxNIOCRLib.Interop.dll—niocr.ocx

    You can find these assemblies in the \dotNET\Assemblies\Current directory. The assemblies installed by NI Vision correctly wrap severalmethods that generate errors if you call the methods using the assembliesgenerated by Visual Studio .NET. For information about the properties, methods,and events available with these assemblies, refer to the NI Vision forVisual Basic Reference Help and the NI Vision for Visual Basic UserManual.

    Creating a New .NET Application Using NI Vision 8.2.1
    You must first add the NI Vision controls to your toolbox when creating anew application. Complete the following steps to add the NI Vision controls tothe Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Toolbox:

    1.   In Visual Studio .NET, either create a new application or open anexisting one.
    2.   Opena form in Design View.
    3.   SelectView»Toolbox.
    4.   Selectthe category in which you want the NI Vision controls to appear, such as General,Components, and so on.
    5.   SelectTools»Add/Remove Toolbox Items.
    6.   Inthe .NET Framework Components tab, select the controls you want to addto your application. Choose from CWIMAQ, CWIMAQVision,CWIMAQViewer, CWMachineVision, and NIOCR.

    When the controls are in the toolbox, you can add them to your forms byclicking the tool and drawing an area on the form. References to the NI VisionInterop Assemblies are automatically added to your project.

    Viewing the NI Vision 8.2.1 Examples
    The NI Vision examples for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 are convertedfrom the NI Vision for Visual Basic examples. The .NET examples are written inVisual Basic .NET and demonstrate use of the NI Vision 8.2.1 InteropAssemblies. The examples are located in the \Examples\MSVB.NETdirectory, and the images for the examples are located in the \Examples\Images directory.

    Converting an Existing Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Application
    Microsoft’s automatic upgrade engine often generates its own Interopassemblies rather than referencing the official NI Vision 8.2.1 Interopassemblies. When this happens, your project will have two references for everyNI Vision assembly needed. Complete the following steps to correctly referencethe NI Vision 8.2.1 Interop assemblies:

    1.   In Visual Studio .NET, select Edit»Find and Replace»Replacein Files. Replace the following with NationalInstruments.CWIMAQ Controls:
    –      AxCWIMAQControlsLib
    –      AxCWIMAQHelpButtonLib
    –      AxCWMVLib
    –      AxNIOCRLib
    2.   Select View»Solution Explorer.
    3.   Expandthe Project References.
    4.   Removethe following references if they are present:
    –      AxCWIMAQControlsLib
    –      AxCWIMAQHelpButton
    –      AxCWMV
    –      AxNIOCRLib

    Known Issues
    ·      AVI functionality requires Microsoft DirectX 8.1 orlater.
    ·      On Windows XP computers with Service Pack 2 installed, NIVision 8.2.1 does not support reading AVI files located in the Local Settingsfolder, or any subfolders of this folder, when the AVI file uses any of thefollowing compression filters:
    –      Indeo® Video 5.10 Compression Filter
    –      Intel Indeo® Video R3.2
    –      Intel Indeo® Video 4.5
    –      Indeo® Video 5.10
    Copying the AVI file to another folder resolves this problem.
    ·      Viewing the online help files requires Microsoft InternetExplorer 5 or later.
    ·      Using NI Vision 8.2.1 with LabWindows/CVI on a machinethat does not support the MMX instruction set may cause an Illegal Operationexception to occur within the LabWindows/CVI environment. This error occurswhen DirectX checks for the availability of the MMX instruction set on themachine.
    ·      The Visual Basic .NET examples may display the UIcontrols with incorrect size and location settings if you use a computer with aDPI display setting other than 96 DPI. 96 DPI is the default setting for most Windows operating systems.

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