TA的每日心情 | 怒 昨天 08:36 |
签到天数: 3437 天 连续签到: 39 天 [LV.Master]2000FPS
发表于 2020-11-12 10:16:23
来自:广东省东莞市 电信
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菲力尔FLIR-灰点Point Grey工业相机Linux Ubuntu20.04-arm64系统驱动Spinnaker_Python-
链接:提取码: 7iz9
Spinnaker SDK –
- CHANGE LIST (list of updates with this version):
- Initial support for Ubuntu Focal (20.04)
- Improve 'Incomplete Buffer Warning' with more actionable message
- Improve experience on finding out why there are missing packets (SpinView_WPF)
- Add disable Auto Gain and Auto WB to SpinView optimize FPS button
- Add warning/note to Trigger example related to triggering faster than frame time
- SpinView_Qt - Port over Windows Camera Auto IP
Resolved Issues:
- Fix multiple issues introduced with 2.1 release when using Gige cameras in Windows 7
- Bash profile has incorrect line ending
- Fix disabling of GEV enumeration
- Debug Symbols loaded in Example .sln Files (for .exe files)
- SpinView_WPF buffer nodes do not update when streaming
- Spinnaker Documentations shortcut does not open the C/C++ pdf on Linux
- Unavailable Files in Examples_vs2015 Solution
- SpinView_Qt does not link to Spinnaker documentation on Linux
- Some paths lost in PATH after installing Spinnaker 2.2.x
- Gige camera window in SpinView would close randomly while streaming with a split view of U3V and GigE at max resolution
- Resetting Application Settings does not set rendering back to CPU
- Lossless Compression - Unable to decompress images with chunk data enabLED
- UnregisterEventHandler failing with error "No event is registered"
- No Command Nodes Available in VisionPro Cognex
- USB3 camera segfaults in linux when being accessed in multiple applications
- SpinView histogram not working with BFLY-PGE-13E4C bayer pixel formats
- EnumerateGEVInterfaces shortcuts do not work unless run as admin
- Spinview display pane will reset when startup everytime.
- Interfaces appear and disappear from the Interface list on some PCs
- Streaming images are not displayed after re-arranging image display panes in SpinView_Qt
- endacquisition freezes with image callback registered (Windows)
- EnumerationEvents_(C ,CSharp, VB, Python) Doesn't Show GigE Interface Arrival/Removals Correctly
- SpinView_WPF log viewer match whole words search is not case sensitive
- GigE camera won't initialize after firmware update in SpinView_WPF
- After power cycling a GigE camera in SpinView_WPF, device list does not update on its own
- SpinView_WPF throws 4 errors when displaying node information with no increments
- macos installer pyspin3.6 package packs in pyspin2.7
- 32bit SpinnakerDirectShow_v140.dll not packaged in 64bit Spinnaker installer