石鑫华视觉 发表于 2024-10-30 14:30:20

NI RFmx VNA 2024 Q4 Win11 64bitENG RFmx矢量网络分析仪24.8.0

NI RFmx VNA 2024 Q4 Win11 64bitENG RFmx矢量网络分析仪24.8.0

RFmx VNA可通过PXIe-5633矢量网络分析仪(VNA)测量单端口或双端口S参数。
RFmx VNA是一款测量专用软件,扩展了NI RF仪器软件的功能,可帮助您使用PXIe-5633矢量网络分析仪测量散射参数(S参数)。借助RFmx VNA,您可以对典型RF前端模块中的RF组件(如放大器、天线、滤波器、衰减器和其他DUT)执行复杂的单端口和2端口S参数测量。

Windows系统下(Linux和MAC系统下请自行了解清楚)NI的各种软件、模块、工具包、驱动程序,使用NI许可证管理器来激活的,绝大部分的都可以使用NI Lincense Activator来激活:NI序列号Serial Number生成激活工具NI License Activator,LabVIEW/VBAI/VDM/VAS等软件模块工具包破解工具不限版本http://visionbbs.com/thread-490-1-1.html


NI RFmx VNA 2024 Q4
包含的版本:2024 Q4完整版/运行版,版本号24.8.0
Windows 11
Windows Server 2022 64-bit
Windows 10 64-bit
Windows Server 2019 64-bit

文件大小: 2140813312 字节 (1.99 GB)
修改日期: 2024-10-17 11:39
MD5: f72caf71115f6fc483301e9182a9d4b2
SHA1: d4579e9affc2d0fa5b7fbc9b38732ac378414aa7
SHA256: 34d84bae1081dca64b5d871bbe1e2401677a0c74288d3a389e43ec25c4c8aa9d
CRC32: fef8e17f

文件大小: 856432640 字节 (816.76 MB)
修改日期: 2024-10-17 11:37
MD5: ad8a61dbef67c4013e47d3b989580b30
SHA1: 184e0fb6adf760b6f77cb0ba354a35872237f56a
SHA256: 01458ef04c0abc79205df6f6031c6afe6ec4ae8dfc6dcf644768e687a3976d4b
CRC32: fcd8ee08

RFmx VNA 2024 Q4 New Features and Changes

New Features

[*]Support to specify polar format for S-parameters and Waves.
[*]Support to query S-parameters and waves in concise notation.
[*]Support for interpolation of corrected S-parameters and waves measurements.
[*]Support to query correction state.

[*]The following fetch VIs are deprecated:

[*]RFmxVNA SParams Fetch Real Data.vi
[*]RFmxVNA SParams Fetch Complex Data.vi
[*]RFmxVNA Waves Fetch Real Data.vi
[*]RFmxVNA Waves Fetch Complex Data.vi
[*]TipUse the following VIs to fetch measurement data:

[*]RFmxVNA SParams Fetch Y Data.vi
[*]RFmxVNA Waves Fetch Y Data.vi

TipUse the following VIs to fetch measurement frequency:
[*]RFmxVNA SParams Fetch X Data.vi
[*]RFmxVNA Waves Fetch X Data.vi
[*]The PXIe_DStarB option for Pulse Generator Trigger terminal export is deprecated.NoteUse PXIe_DStarC instead.
[*]The Undefined Thru Using Defined Thru option for Correction:Calibration:Thru:Method is deprecated.
[*]The Delay Thru Using Defined Thru option for Correction:Calibration:Thru:Method has been replaced by vCal Thru as Unknown Thru

RFmx VNA 2024 Q3 New Features and Changes

New Features

[*]Support for List, Linear, and Segmented Sweep types
[*]Support for exporting S-parameter measurement results as SnP files
[*]Support for SWR, Impedance, and Admittance formats for S-parameters
[*]Support for exporting Pulse Generator events
[*]Support for aborting an ongoing calibration step
Behavior Changes

[*]Deprecated RFmxVNA Configure Frequency List (Start Stop Points).vi.NoteTo work around this change, configure Sweep Type to Linear, and configure Start Frequency (Hz), Stop Frequency (Hz), and Number of Frequency properties.
[*]You can no longer obtain the underlying list of aggregated frequencies across all active segments using the Sweep:Frequency List attribute.NoteUse the Sweep:X-Axis Values read-only attribute instead.
[*]The Complex format in InstrumentStudio is no longer plotted as a Smith Chart. It is now plotted as a polar chart.NoteTo plot a Smith chart, set the format to Smith Impedance or Smith Admittance.

RFmx VNA 2024 Q2 New Features and Changes

[*]Support for external triggers for VNA measurements
[*]Support for saving and loading stimulus settings along with Calset
[*]Support for enabling and disabling automatic scaling down of Intermediate Frequency Bandwidth (IFBW) at low frequencies for measurement speed
[*]Support for caching multiple signal switch for measurement speed
[*]Support for guided calibration using Mechanical Calkits defined by NI Calkit files (.nckt )
[*]Support for basic pulsed S-parameter and waves measurements with internal pulse-trigger
[*]Support for embed fixtures to Calsets
[*]Support for creating and editing Calkit files for Mechanical Calkits using the standalone Calkit Editor application.
[*]Obsoleted the RFmxInstr Load All Configurations VI. Use the RFmxInstr Load Configurations VI along with the appropriate RFmxInstr Load Options property, instead.

RFmx VNA 2024 Q1 New Features and Changes

[*]Calibration: User-defined orientation for Cal-5501

[*]Load one or more named calsets from calset files previously saved
[*]Select an active calset from the pool of loaded named calsets
[*]Query the names of all loaded named calsets
[*]Create a named copy of another named or unnamed calset
[*]Query the error terms stored in a calset
[*]Support for RFmxVNA SParams and RFmxVNA Waves measurements to perform as composite measurements
[*]Added port extension support to specify electrical-length as delay (in seconds) and compensate for constant loss
[*]IVI simulation support for PXIe-5633

RFmx VNA 2023 Q4 Features Overview

[*]Measure corrected and uncorrected 1-port or 2-port S-parameters and receiver waves for non-frequency-converting RF devices over a list of frequencies
[*]Fixture de-embedding
[*]Point averaging
[*]Automatic Short-Open-Load (SOL) and Short-Open-Load-Through (SOLT) calibration using Cal-5501 Vector Calibration Module
[*]Saving and loading calibration error terms as a calset file
[*]Support for PXIe-5633
[*]Support for obtaining unprocessed I/Q data utilized for RFmx measurements
页: [1]
查看完整版本: NI RFmx VNA 2024 Q4 Win11 64bitENG RFmx矢量网络分析仪24.8.0

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